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Add. MS c/93/147 · Item · 2 Feb. 1886
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Letter of introduction for W. R. Sorley, an M.A. of Edinburgh University, who, he reports, is 'highly Logic, Metaphysics and Ethics' and has come for a career in Cambridge. Speaks highly of Sorley, who has been his assistant recently. Expresses the hope that Sidgwick could give him some 'advice and direction'.

Add. MS b/71/58 · Item · 1900-1902
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Includes Professor Maitland's speech at the memorial meeting for Henry Sidgwick; obituary by Miss E.E.C. Jones, which appeared in the Journal of Education for October 1900; 'Dr Keynes in the Economic Journal of Dec 1900', references to Sidgwick made by Professor Sorley, quoted from a letter of 2 September 1900, and from the International Journal of Ethics for January 1901; reference to Sidgwick made by Alice Gardner in a letter of 24 August 1900; 'Mr C.F.G. Masterman in the Commonwealth for November 1900'; 'From the Cambridge Letter of 1900 of the Newnham College Club'; 'A.T. Lyttelton [Bishop of Southampton] in a letter of Sept. 21, 1900'; 'Sir F. Pollock in a letter of Aug.30.1900'; 'Mrs Sanger [A.D. Pease] in a letter of Sept.23.1900'; 'Mr C. Cooper who took his degree in 1874 in a letter to Dr Ward' from October 1900; 'Professor Mandello, Professor of Law and Political Science at Pressbourg in a letter of Oct. 14, 1900'; 'Miss Agnes Mason in a letter of Nov 16. 1900'; 'Mrs McLeod [E. Stevenson] in a letter of Oct.24.1900'; 'Miss A.M. Jackson in a letter of June 9.1900'; 'Miss Alice Woods in a letter of Sept.2 1900'; 'Miss Amy Sharpe in a letter of Sept.3.1900'; 'Miss Emma Brooke in a letter of Sept.29.1900'; 'Miss Susan Cunnington in a letter of March 9.1902'. Some MS explanatory notes, amendments and emendations included.

Add. MS c/104/60 · Item · 7 Dec 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Meeting held on Monday, 26 November 1900. Lists those present and those who sent their apologies. Includes the speeches made by the Master of Trinity College [H. M. Butler] and the Vice-Chancellor, Mr Chawner; Sir Richard Jebb, the Right Hon. James Bryce, Leslie Stephen, Canon Gore, the Bishop of Bristol, Professor A.V. Dicey, Professor Maitland, Professor Marshall and Professor James Ward, as well as comments made by the Rev. J. Wardale and Professor Sorley. A motion proposed by Jebb that there be a memorial in Cambridge to Sidgwick was unanimously carried.