Cairndhu, by Helensburgh, N.B. - Thanks him for his congratulations [on having been raised to the bench].
Cairndhu, Helensburgh, N.B. - Congratulates Frazer on the award of the Order of Merit: 'No man rejoices at it more than do I, your old friend & school-fellow'.
31 Heriot Row, Edinburgh [on mourning stationery] - In answer to Frazer's question he supplies a reference to [William] Bell's Dictionary of Scots Law concerning 'jus primae noctis', or 'Marcheta Mulieris'.
Cairndhu, by Helensburgh, N.B. Dated 1 November, 1913 - Thanks him for his congratulations [on having been raised to the bench].
31 Heriot Row, Edinburgh. Dated 11 May, 1916 - In answer to Frazer's question he supplies a reference to [William] Bell's Dictionary of Scots Law concerning 'jus primae noctis', or 'Marcheta Mulieris'.
St. Keyne's, Cambridge. Dated 15 November 1911 - Congratulates him on the living of Ovington; thanks him for 'The Baganda', is honoured to think he had a hand in its production, especially as the life it records is disappearing; the application to the Lord Advocate [Lord Strathclyde] on his behalf was a pleasure and may bear fruit in the future.