Tilton, Firle, Sussex. - Likes Bob's poem on Goldie [Lowes Dickinson] 'enormously'; thought it 'entirely suitable' for the "N.S. and N" ["New Statesman and Nation"], particularly at the moment when 'thoughts of Goldie and what preoccupied him are so very appropriate', and has showed it to Raymond Mortimer, who visited at the weekend. Mortimer took it away, and will be in touch with Bob; he liked it 'very much' and his only concern is its length. Is recovering 'awfully slowly' [after a heart attack] and has been 'out of action for a year and a half', but is getting better steadily, and can now get 'a fair amount of work' done; hopes to be up at Cambridge for a 'good part of next term'. Read a paper on the effect "Principia Ethiica" had on him when an undergraduate at the Memoir Club this month, and writing about [G.E.] Moore brought back 'vivid memories of [Bob] in those days'.
Garricks Villa. - Enjoyed Trevelyan's visit, and hearing his latest writing, though feels he needed to have read them to be able to comment helpfully; is sure that he appreciated the address to God and the reply. Wishes Trevelyan had stayed to lunch on Monday; feels the 'simple pleasures' need 'framing' in some way [a reference to "Simple Pleasures", published in "Horizon" in November 1941], and mentions a translation from the Chinese. Raymond Mortimer has come out to dine. Molly very cheerful today: these 'sudden down-pours never last long'.
The New Statesman & Nation, The Weekend Review, 10 Great Turnstile, London, W.C.1. - Afraid that "the footprints of Lucretius [a reference to Trevelyan's translation of "De Rerum Natura"?] have been effaced by the galoshes of E.W. Wilcox, W. Stitch' and other writers he has probably never heard of.
West Hackhurst, Abinger Hammer, Dorking. - Hoped to ring up today, but the telephone is still in the open Post Office, 'pending Lord Farrer's pleasure' so is not private. Is not sure when they will be able to meet: expects she will not be receiving visitors for some time in the Nursing Home. Went to a bottle party at Julian and Ursula [Trevelyan's] with Raymond Mortimer. His mother sends love and sympathy. Is glad her impressions of Whiting and the nursing home are good.
The New Statesman & Nation, The Weekend Review, 10 Great Turnstile, London, W.C.1. - Thanks Trevelyan for his gift [the 1944 "From the Shiffolds"?]: asks if the "New Statesman" could print "An Age of Horses", which has 'just the directness one looks for in poems for a periodical, & is also beautiful'.
170817 Lt. J.M. Luce c/o Grindlay's Bank, Bombay. - Is delighted by Trevelyan's "Windfalls", and carries his copy in the jungle. Discusses it at length, particularly the essay on solitariness, which reminded him of his trip to Greece, when Raymond Mortimer urged him and his father to get away from the main party. Also has a vivid recollection of Trevelyan "galumphing down the mountain to Berchtesgaden". Believes this form of writing must be Trevelyan's metier.
Hotel Infant Isabel, Burgos. - Is very sorry to miss Trevelyan's friends [Francis] Birrell and [Raymond] Mortimer, whom he met at Lady Colefax's 'famous' garden party; it is, though, pleasant to be in B.B. [Berenson]'s 'train' and to be travelling through Spain to Seville and Granada. Will be home around November, so can meet Trevelyan at Cortona then; nobody will be at I Tatti until late December. Will be delighted to see Birrell and Mortimer if they are still in Italy when he returns. Has heard much from Nicky [Mariano] about Trevelyan, and is glad that Welcombe has been sold as planned. Will be very proud if Trevelyan does indeed address an epistle to him in hexameters. Has written an article on Du Bos, and has now been asked for another on Virginia W[oolf], for rather an important journal; proposes one on any new book she might be writing, asks for details and for the book to be sent when it appears. The Berensons seem to be getting on quite well: B.B. complaining a little about his health, and Mary about 'romanic art' [sic], which is a topic for discussion due to the book about Jerusalem she is writing. B.B. says the countryside is 'more desertic and arabic than Syria'. Has read Trevelyan's letter out to the company: they expect him at I Tatti when Mary and Nicky return in late December, though B.B. will stay with Mrs Wharton until New Year; thinks Ray and Karin and their families will also be at I Tatti.
Metelliano. - Is happy to say that he is coming to England for the Executive Committee of the International PEN, taking place between 25-27 April. Is also planning to visit Roger Hinks in Holland. Must see Trevelyan, either in London or at the Shiffolds; is glad he is recovering, did not know he had been low. Saw a notice in the "Times" about [Reginald Popham] Nicholson's death, which must have affected B.B. [Berenson]. Will visit I Tatti just before coming to England. Has seen Raymond Mortimer, but missed [Stephen] Spender and Humphrey Sumner who were in Rome while he was in Paris with the W.F.U.N.A. Is very sorry about Trevelyan's sister in law [Janet: her illness]; would like to write to Trevelyan's brother [George]. Is almost sure to go to Edinburgh for the PEN Congress at the end of August.