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List of topics - 'Courage. Berenson (grammarian). Wallington (Museum)...' - [possibilities for inclusion in what became "Windfalls"?]. Drafts towards "Notes on Poetry and Prose". List of things in the 'Wallington Museum'. Draft of talk on Leopardi; mentions that 'Signor Zenkovich' [Livio Zeno-Zencovich?] will read some of Leopardi's poems in the original. Biographical piece on Clifford Allen, including Trevelyan's first sight and meetings with him, Allen's meeting with Lenin and so on. Biographical piece on Donald Tovey, covering their early friendship, the origins of their opera "The Bride of Dionysus", and extracts from correspondence.

Notebook also used from back inwards: poem, 'I am more homeless than an ocean wave...' on the inside cover and first page [perhaps a translation from Leopardi?]. Story about dream in which an angel is fishing for souls in the 'River of Time'; begins with Coryat [often used by Trevelyan for autobiographical pieces] as the main character, another version written in the first person. Verse, 'I am old, I am blind...'; includes account of another conversation with a 'wing'd Angel' [again, perhaps from Leopardi?].