40 Weymouth Street - congratulations to George Blakesley on his success at Eton, quarrels only with the clergy
40 Weymouth Street - pleased at Blakesley's canonry
London Library - Captain Black has taken a ready furnished house at Hingham but intends to rent Donne's house at Mattishall, attitude of the people of Bury St Edmunds to his move to London
Weymouth Street - Mrs Child has not found the missing wrist stud, Archbishop's motion about the Irish church was not successful
40 Weymouth Street - London pantomimes, colonial government
40 Weymouth Street - case concerning Charles Donne and Faversham, Frederick Donne and his wife visiting
40 Weymouth Street - thanks him for the help he gave Charles Donne, Charles' preaching, meeting with "the Dean"
40 Weymouth Street - report of a visit to Faversham
40 Weymouth Street - would like news of Ware, comment by FitzGerald on the quality of Blakesley's Herodotus, visited Cromer with his daughters, Frederick Donne has a son born at Aden
40 Weymouth Street - suggestion for tuition in farming. a fall on slippery ground
40 Weymouth Street - Blakesley's article in The Times on the correspondence between George Ill and Lord North, Charles Donne commended by the Archbishop for his work at Faversham, has been helping the Lord Chancellor on the Theatrical Licence Bill
40 Weymouth Street - has applied to become Librarian of the House of Commons, visit to Faversham
Love's Sacrifice, the laziness of schoolteachers, benefits of a classical education, "accursed competition" at Cambridge, end of the old world
Has written to Dr Harrison, govemors of Greenwich Hospital, pleasure at George Blakesley's marks in the classics tripos
40 Weymouth Street - London Library closed for cleaning, forwarding Guizot's Essais sur l'histoire de France, Mrs Baynes' book, Gladstone losing his temper
40 Weymouth Street - dividends on stocks, consols left for heirs, Frederick Donne repaying his debts to Donne, Petumber "kicked out of the Bombay Rialto", annual survey of 35 theatres, death of a man caused by falling down theatre stairs
40 Weymouth Street - V[alentia] and Donne dined with the Archbishop who is not looking well, benefits of having whooping cough and measles when young, meanness and stupidity of radicals over Princess Louise's dowry, Civil list
40 Weymouth Street - will advise Mrs Blakesley and Lady Miller on plays, did not think that he would live to be "one of the most celebrated and unpopular men of the day", Done attacked in Bell's Weekly Messenger, "snobbish and impertinent" letter from Lowe's Private Secretary
40 Weymouth Street - congratulates Blakesley on becoming Dean of Lincoln, Donne's sons are accident-prone
40 Weymouth Street - apologises for turning Blakesley away in favour of Shakespearian reading, Donne's last time at the society, few members have no notion of reading, Gladstone may promise the abolition of income tax "I wish he would keep it on; it is a very handy tax and cheap to gather-in"
29 Welbeck Street, W. Two letters, one dated 23 Oct. 1866 in which he asks for instructions regarding the Macaulay statue, its delivery, the pedestal, and shares his thoughts on the three positions considered eligible: the Library, the Library staircase, and the Antechapel; also asks for instructions as to the bust of Kemble. The second letter dated 4 Nov. 1866 relates news that the presentation of the Macaulay statue needs to stand over until Parliament meets; he hassent off the Kemble bust, and Mr Donne promised he would write Thompson a formal letter on the subject.
40 Weymouth Street - Oxford Reformers of 1498, prefers Erasmus to Luther and St Jerome to St Augustine - "Augustine and Luther seem to have plunged the scriptures into a tub of vitriol", will have to look for a cheaper house
40 Weymouth Street - wants Blakesley to get a notice of his Tacitus in The Times, Valentia was much invigorated by Switzerland, visit to Mrs Wentworth Leigh, cleanliness and virtuousness of Lord Leigh's peasantry
25 Weymouth Street - financial difficulties of "Smith", ceasing to be examiner of plays has cost Donne £200 per year and stopping writing for periodicals a further £100, meeting with Johnson to explain Smith's position
25 Weymouth Street - thanks him for the [wedding?] gift for Valentia, prospect of war in eastern Europe
25 Weymouth Street - Blakesley's marriage settlement, Charles Donne to wed Augusta Rigden of Faversham
25 Weymouth Street - mistake in personal accounts, Charles' wedding
Enquires as to whether he should draw Blakesley's dividend, met George at the Savile Club, St Paul at Rome by the Dean of Ely, St Paul in Damascus and Arabia by George Rawlinson
25 Weymouth Street - paid Donne's account at Mortlock's in Cambridge, health of Trench, Trench's Medieval Church History, grandchildren, Sellar's Roman Poets of the Augustan Age
40 Weymouth Street - arrangement of Donne's visit with his family, "Willie" has not yet visited