47 Great Ormond Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.1. - There are 419 subscriptions, excluding those mentioned in her letter; wants all the remaining subscriptions by the beginning of December; sends a final proof of the preliminary matter; asks when he might become Sir James' assistant, as it was left open due to uncertainty in regard to the date they would return to England.
47 Great Ormond Street, Bloomsbury, London, W.C.1. - Answers her questions in order, concerning the binding, publication date, getting twelve copies in advance, when to expect the final proof of subscribers; the death of Professor Bevan does not relieve them from the obligation of delivering copies that have been paid for.
'Times Literary Supplement' no. 1670.
47 Great Ormond Street, Bloomsbury, London - Clarifies the financial terms of the publication of the Frazer bibliography, accompanied by a signed statement.
British Museum - Has been making enquiries about the photographs and finds that they were photostats only, so no glass or film negatives exist; recommends an oculist in Hanover that saved the sight of a friend; is subscribing to the bibliography, and will ask Besterman to put the British Museum General Library and the Library of the Sub-Department of Ethnology on the list.
Two articles, one signed Protonius, the other by Sir Alexander G. Cardew.