Three letters, accompanied by the copy of a Latin inscription headed 'In Senatv, Dec 3, AD MDCCCLXXIV'.
Knipton Cottage, Grantham. - Is returning Selwyn's copy of Lassus. Notes on the text. Thanks Selwyn for The Creeds [of Nicæa; Constantinople; Athanasius?]; some notes on emendations there.
Correspondence, notes, and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Includes correspondence from: S. R. Driver; F. J. A. Hort; W. F. Moulton, J. Troutbeck, Maxwell Ben-Oliel; Connop Thirwell, G. C.M. Douglas, Frederick Field, John Dury Geden and Charles Kingsley along with several copies/drafts of letters by W. Aldis Wright to others. Notes by William Barnes; R. L. Bensly, Schiller-Szinessy, William Selwyn, and others. Includes material on the disposition of the remaining funds after the completion of the project.
Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholarCorrespondence, notes, and printed material largely relating to W. Aldis Wright's work as Secretary of the Old Testament Revision Company. Some letters addressed to the Dean of Westminster, A. P. Stanley; to Canon Selwyn, and to others. Includes letters from: Connop Thirlwall, Bishop of St David's; G. C. M. Douglas; E. H. Browne, Bishop of Ely then of Winchester; Frederick Field; John Dury Geden; A. P. Stanley, Dean of Westminster; Alfred Ollivant, Bishop of Llandaff; Hormuzd Rassam; William Selwyn; J. Troutbeck; Duncan H. Weir, James Cartmell; Bartholomew Price; Philip Schaff. Several copies/drafts of letters by W. Aldis Wright to others. Much material regarding the relationship between the British and American Revision Committees.
Wright, William Aldis (1831-1914), literary and biblical scholarTrinity College -- Regarding the value of a stall at Ely: William Selwyn agrees with the Dean of Ely on the average of 7 years - £730 or £740, but makes the average of the last four years rather higher.
WW sends JCH his second pamphlet on the Connop Thirlwall controversy ['Additional Remarks on...Mr Thirlwall', 1834. For the controversy see WW to JCH, 28 May 1834]: 'You will see that I have ventured a little further into politics than I did before'. WW would like to send him two Cambridge newspapers which contain another branch of the controversy between Sedgwick [Adam Sedgwick] and Selwyn [William Selwyn]: 'I fear you will think that Sedgwick has been rather overbearing'. In Thirwall's second letter ['A Second Letter to the Rev. T. Turton Containing a Vindication of Some Passages in a Former Letter on the Admission of Dissenters to Academical Degrees', 1834] he says of WW 'that I am a friend who has spoken in the tone and language of friendship'.
Drafts of poems and printed poems by Shilleto, Robert Burn, Sir William Hamilton, Morris Moore, Richard Okes, as well as those signed with initals only: J. B., H., and W. S. [William Selwyn?]. Poems include Hamilton's "Sonnet on the Meeting of the British Association at Cambridge, 1833", W. S.'s "Experience of Magnetic Belt", four lines by H. starting "The Lytteltons give all the time up to cricket," Robert Burn's "Piscator," Morris Moore junor's formal address to Thompson, 30 July 1869. On the verso of one set of poems is a printed list of freshmen, 1882.
The collection also includes a letter (in French) dated 9 March 1869 from A. Bos, Italian translator of G. H. Lewes's Physiology of Common Life asking about a report from the Evening Standard that the students have been served donkey at Trinity.
The collection is accompanied by two letters from W. Wollaston Groome to Mr Dykes dated May 1919 relating to the provenance of the verses, and his personal memories of W. H. Thompson.