(Bibliog. 81).
5pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections.
(Bibliog. 81).
5pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections.
(Bibliog. 79).
59pp. typescript draft with ms. corrections; 1p. ms. list of contents.
Letter of 1947 is addressed to C.A. Rogers.
(Bibliog. 58).
Postcard from Rogers, 3 January 1947, re solution to an equation, and 3pp. ms. notes; 11pp. ms. draft, 1p. labelled 'Prelim to 58'; 10pp. ms. 'final' draft.
Correspondence and material relating to the memoir of Davenport by C.A. Rogers, D.A. Burgess, H. Halberstam and B.J. Birch (Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society, 17, 1971).
Includes 2pp. plan allocating work between collaborators, correspondence, drafts of various sections of the memoir.
Tributes by L. J. Mordell and by C. A. Rogers (reprints from Acta Arithmetica, 1971).
G.268: 1945. Appointment as Demonstrator at UCL, 1946 (one letter only).
G.269: 1947. Frequent reports on research and departmental news, sent to Davenport in USA.
G.270: 1948. Departmental news, research, publications (Bibliog. 70, 71, 73, 79).
G.271: 1949. Includes research notes by Rogers 'On theorems of Markoff, Hurwitz and Segre' and 'Non-homogeneous quadratic forms'.
G.272: 1950. (Bibliog. 81).
G.273: 1952-53. (Davenport's carbon only), 1954 (research, appointments, includes note by Davenport for Nature on Rogers's appointment to Chair at Birmingham).
G.274: 1955
G.275: 1956-57
G.276: 1958. Appointment at UCL.
G.277: 1964. Includes correspondence with R.F. Wrighton on packing of spheres, 6pp. note by Davenport on the problem and comments by Rogers.
G.278: 1965, 1969
210: Correspondence between the editors and with other colleagues, 1969, 1970
211: Correspondence between the editors and with other colleagues, 1974
212: Correspondence between the editors and with other colleagues, 1975
213: B. J. Birch's ms. notes for and drafts of introductions to papers by Davenport. Photocopies of Davenport's typescript notes on his own work. Part only; for full version see A.10. 4pp. typescript index, with ms. corrections by B. J. Birch.
'Trigonometrical polynomials', published as 'The zeros of trigonometrical polynomials', Mathematika, 19, 1972, 88-90, with the footnote:
'This note has been prepared for publication by Professor H. Halberstam from a draft manuscript sent to him in 1967 by the late Professor Davenport in the course of a correspondence on the large sieve inequality; specifically, Halberstam had asked Davenport whether the inequality might not have some applications in the theory of trigonometrical polynomials and the note came in reply to this query.'
3pp. ms. note by Davenport; letter from Halberstam returning it to him, March 1968.
Letter to Mrs. Davenport from C. A. Rogers, March 1972, enclosing photocopies of her husband's original draft and the proposed paper Halberstam had prepared from it.
Ms. notes made by C.A. Rogers from Davenport's lectures at University College, London, 1946, with 'an informal account of the meetings of a seminar held at University College, and includes a summary of the discussion of the various lectures'.