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Add. MS c/101/138 · Item · 14 Oct 1874
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Minnie kept her well-informed about Henry when at Lincoln, and that his own letter told her more. Refers to his activities with regard to his lectures and book. Asks him to go to Rugby around Christmas, 'when A[rthur] S[idgwick] wishes to assemble [them] for his house warming.' Adds that Minnie and Edward cannot go because their boys will just have arrived home from school. Expresses a strong wish that he should come to Oxford. Adds that Mr Green has been asking her when Henry is coming. Reports that William and Isabel are recovering from colds. Asks if he had told her that Captain and Mrs Go[ ] lived at Cambridge, and asks him to send her the address of Mrs Go[ ]'s sister Be[ ]. Informs him that his godson Willy [Longsden] 'has been doing better lately + is promoted to a "Top hat" ' at Merchant Taylors' school.

Reports that the Committee of the Association for the Education of Women at Manchester have asked Miss Cannan to be Secretary 'for that [work] where she lives - [ ] Prestwick.' Suggests that Miss Clough might like to be informed of this. Claims that she is 'still in rather a mess with carpenter + masons + painters to follow.' Adds that she has two comfortable beds to offer to friends, and tells him to bear it in mind if he wishes to go to Oxford. States that William and Isabel would be pleased to see him [and Nora] and that Mr Green and his wife always have a welcome for him. Reports tha the Symondses have come home from Switzerland. Reports that Edward Sidgwick wrote to her to tell her another daughter of his was born some weeks previously. States that he was much interested in what Henry had to say about spriritualism, and that their friends the Cooksons told them that Henry was at the Lakes and talking on the subject.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/159 · Item · 9 Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims that her daily expectations of some arrival [a new baby for Minnie and Edward Benson] at Wellington College have been disappointed. Reports that Minnie is very well. Relates that Mrs Donne has borne her sorrow [at the death of her husband. a master at Wellington College] 'with wonderful calmness', and that Minnie will miss her.

Sends Henry a Tract, which his Uncle Chris [Sidgwick] has recently published at Skipton [not included], and wishes to have his comments on it. Reports on his Aunt M[ary] J[ane]'s opinions of it. Fears that Henry's Aunt Lace is to suffer a long and continued illness. Reports that 'Miss [Mary?] Cannan cannot get on at all with Mrs. C[ongreve] and goes at Xmas', and fears that 'they will not meet with any good governess who will bear such treatment and interference.' Adds that Dora C[ongreve] is 'dangerously ill in rheumatic fever', and Doctor Evans was sent for the previous day. Refers to an earthquake, and claims that it was felt in Rugby by Mr Waterfield and Edward Rhoades. Reports that she heard from Mr Scott that Mrs Scott is a little better.

Announces that his Uncle Robert [Sidgwick] and Alfred will meet William at the Sidgwick house at Rugby on the following Tuesday 'to be in readiness for the scholarship examination', which Mr Powles thinks will do Alfred good. Remarks that Edward seems busier than ever, and states that the house is not begun and will not be unless he can get a lower estimate of its cost.

Reports that Annie Brown has settled herself at Lamberhurst Rectory, Hurst Green for the winter to write, but that she has been ill. Adds that she referred to the review, with which Henry had tried to help her. Reports that the 'young nephew who was ill, is dead', and that Lucy Brown has taken 'the young boy of 12 to Lytham to live with her in Lodgings whilst he goes to school.'

Refers a lecture on the previous Wednesday at Wokingham, given to the Mechanical Institute by Mr [Kingsley], with Mr [Walton] in the chair, and announced that Edward is to give one on self-education after Christmas. Asks how he thinks Arthur is looking, and tells him to show the latter their Uncle Chris' tract. Reports that William believes that Edward Lace would 'pass respectably'. [Incomplete]

Sedgwick, Margaret Isabella (d 1911) daughter of John Sedgwick
Add. MS c/101/172/2 · Item · 5 Nov 1866
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Mrs A.H. Clough called on her that afternoon, and mentioned a proposed scheme for the furtherance of female education, which her sister-in-law, Miss Clough, is very anxious to carry out. She suggested that several schools in a large town could unite and be lectured to by a 'well-educated man from one of the Universities' on a given subject. She asked Mary Sidgwick to mention this scheme to William, having been told by Arthur that there was no such man available at Rugby. Announces that Miss Clough is to go down to Liverpool soon to make enquiries about the schools there.

Reports that Mrs Clough is staying at the Schoolhouse in Rugby, and that she enquired about William, and was anxious to know how Miss Brooks was received at Stone Gappe. Mary Sidgwick passed on news of her, which she had learnt from William Lace. Is glad to hear that William is 'better in spirits', and that his work is not too much for him. Reports that Mrs Acland informed her that Lady Brodie was sending her eldest daughter to the Miss Louis' school near London, to which Miss Cannan sent her 'little charge' Mary [ ]. Adds that one of the Moult[ ]'s 'musical cousins - a Miss Salt' has been giving lessons there....' Reports that Ernest Crofts has been staying at Rugby for a few days, and remarks that he seems really in earnest about his occupation. Reports that Arthur is very well, and that Mrs Symonds has been at Rugby for a few days. [Incomplete].

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS b/71/43 · Item · 25 Jun 1905
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

Returns the MS [of Henry Sidgwick, a Memoir, not included] to her, remarking that he has 'insensibly slipped into the passive role of a reader', which, he claims, is 'the greatest compliment that one can pay to a book in proof-sheets.' Declares that he is very pleased with the notices of himself. Points out a slight mistake and some corrections to be made, and reports that two pages did not arrive. Remarks that 'Miss [Mary Louisa] Cannan was a privileged woman', and wonders whether she is alive and still unmarried. Announces that they shall now be [residing] continuously at Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland.

Trevelyan, Sir George Otto (1838–1928), 2nd Baronet, politician and author