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TRER/ADD/80 · Item · 7 May 1951
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

King's Coll. Cambridge [headed notepaper]. - Of course realised that she would not be writing letters 'for some time [after her husband's death on 21 Mar]; is 'very glad' to hear from her. Hopes she is 'feeling somewhat rested now...'; good that she has 'people to look after [her]', and that she is for the present staying 'as you are, and where you are. After these great changes, it is much better that one should wait - when it is possible to do so - and should let the future shape itself'.

Afraid that he will not be able to come and visit her in early June, as he will be 'so wound up in Aldeburgh and other matters'; would like to come later in the year. His 'pleurisy went off very easily, thanks to a new pill', so he was 'able to receive the King, Queen, and Princess Margaret fairly well, and able very well indeed to receive an Hon[orary] Degree at Nottingham'. This was a 'very pleasant experience. After the ceremony, we all processed through the city in our coloured bits and odds and ends, with the Mayor and the Mace in front, and held up the traffic'. Sebastian Sprott is now Public Orator, and made a 'charming' speech about him.

Sends love and hopes to see her later.

Letters to J. R. M. Butler
Add. MS c/201/7-16 · Item · 1914-41
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

8 letters and 2 fragments of letters, from:

  • Ramsay Macdonald, 6 Mar. 1914
  • James Balfour, 8 Jan. 1920
  • Lord Haldane, 4 May 1924
  • E. Rutherford, 20 June 1925, accepting congratulations for his Order of Merit
  • Albert, the future George VI, 26 Apr. 1926, accepting congratulations on the birth of his daughter Elizabeth
  • Lord Cecil, 9 Sept. 1927
  • Stanley Baldwin, 30 May 1930
  • Lord Halifax, 8 Jan. 1941, will take a letter to Butler's brother, will be happy to see one of the family 'after working with Rab so long'
  • two fragments signed by Stanley Baldwin and Lord Grey
Butler, Sir James Ramsay Montagu (1889-1975), knight, historian
FRAZ/33/188 · Item · 16 Jan. 1937
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Sandringham, Norfolk - Lord Wigram has asked him to say Princess Elizabeth is very pleased to accept the French book she sent her; his Majesty's engagements will not permit him to see Sir James in the near future, and is unable to accept the invitation to Sir James' birthday party on January 26th.

TRER/46/178 · Item · 13 Jun 1911
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Shiffolds, Holmbury St. Mary, Dorking. - He and Bessie were glad to hear from his mother this morning [10/116] that his parents were having 'a pleasant and a cooler time in Switzerland'. Cooler here as well, though still fine.

It was 'very hot indeed in the Lakes during the hunt [the Lake or Trevelyan Man Hunt]', though this was still 'quite a success'; it was a little cooler on the hill tops, but 'hard work climbing up in the sun, even in the early morning'. George seemed 'fairly cheerful, more so than [Robert] expected [after the death of his son Theo in April] and quite entered into the spirit of the game'; he was hare on the first day and 'gave good sport', though Robert never encountered him. Robert himself was one of the hares on the second day and the morning after and was caught twice both times. On his second time as hare, he was caught by George 'after an amusing run, ending in a shallow tarn with mud three feet deep'. Charles was never hare, perhaps as he had a slight ankle sprain, but 'seems to have done very well as a hound'. Robert enjoyed it a lot, and 'made several new friends'.

Found Bessie and Julian well on his return; Julian cannot quite walk unaided yet, but will be able to soon. His parents are lucky to be away for the coronation [of George V]: 'London is becoming dreadful'. Bessie sends many thanks to his mother for her letter, and will write soon.

TRER/14/160 · Item · 25 Oct 1940
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Garden Corner, West Road, Cambridge. - Has now received the King's Letters Patent for his appointment as Master of Trinity, and will begin to perform his duties from his admittance on 16 November, though he and Janet will not move into the Lodge until January since much needs to be done ;in the way of painting etc and labour and materials are scarce'. Hopes that Bob will soon visit after that; does not think it is worth him coming for the ceremony, since it must be done 'with maimed rights', trains are 'awful', and all Cambridge houses 'are crowded up with billettees and refugees'. No Colleges have yet been hit [by bombs], and so far everything is 'fairly quiet'; hopes Bob and his household are well.