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Add. MS c/104/70 · Item · 15 Apr. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Forgot to mention in her last letter [104/69] that Mr Aldis Wright was the other member of the original group making up the Philosophical Society [later the Grote Society]. States that her husband will write to her when he arrives home.

Add. MS c/104/69 · Item · Apr. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that her husband, [Professor J.B. Mayor], has been very busy since he received Nora's letter [104/67], and is hoping to write to her soon. Relates that Nora's letter led her and her husband to talk over 'the memories of old times', and that he suggested that she should write down one or two of them for Nora. Recalls that the meetings 'used to be in turn at one or other room in Cambridge and at Trumpington vicarage', and that they always used to be announced to her as 'a "sabia conversazion" '. States that the meetings were always at 'T[rumpington] V[icarage]', as her uncle [Professor Grote] had altogether given up going out to dinner or in the evenings, and that those attending used to dine and at first after dinner she used to sit in the drawing room alone. One day, however, her uncle announced that she was to be admitted a member of the 'S.C.', and they would come into the drawing room after dinner, for the discussion. Recalls that at first the members consisted of Henry Sidgwick, Mayor, Somerset and Venn. Believes that Henry got to know her uncle at his Fellowship Examination, and states that her uncle used to have two or three of those in whom he had taken a special interest over to dine; recalls Henry and his future brother-in-law Edward Benson being first introduced in that way. In relation to the dialogue that took place, states that her husband will write more, and, in the meantime, assures her that 'it was a real discussion' at Trumpington.

Add. MS c/104/68 · Item · 28 Apr. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains his delay in replying to Nora's letter [104/67]: has been away from home; also he has been looking without success for some reference to the Grote Society in old letters and papers. Refers to an enclosed letter [104/66?], which gives J. R. Mozley's recollections of the society. Believes that it commenced in 1861, or even earlier, and recalls that he was then a lecturer in Moral Sciences at St John's College, and had consulted Grote as to how he might make his lectures work in with Grote's. Grote suggested that it would be a good thing to have periodical meetings for discussion amongst those who were interested in philosophy.

The first meeting tok place in his [Mayor's] rooms, where Grote read an introductory paper. Thinks that the next meeting was in Grote's rooms, and states that they 'fell into the habit of going to dine with him at Trumpington' and having their discussion afterwards. Believes that Henry, Venn, Pearson, Aldis Wright and Somerset-West were the first members of the society.

Supposes that the dialogue [referred to in Nora's letter] arose out of a discussion, 'but took the form of papers interchanged between [Grote and Henry].' Quotes from his diaries of 1865 and 1866, referring to meetings and his dealings with other members, including Henry. Undertakes to write to her to let her know if he should find anything else that would be of interest to her. Adds that he believes that Henry was the one with whom Grote most enjoyed discussing philosophical questions.

Add. MS c/104/67 · Item · 8 Apr. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Asks for information on the Grote Society. States that she has an interesting account of it written by Dr Venn for Sir Leslie Stephen, and an account by Professor Marshall of the later period of the society after Grote's death. Understands from Venn's account that it was not a formal society in the earlier period, but meetings of a small group, interested in philosophic discussion, at Grote's house, and that those attending dined with him once or twice a term and discussed afterwards. Asks when the society began 'and when Henry got to know Professor Grote and when he first joined these meetings.' Explains that she is doing research in view of the memoir of Henry that she and Arthur Sidgwick are attempting to put together. Refers to a dialogue by Professor Grote that Mayor published in the [Chemical] Review of March 1889, which had 'a little bit in the middle by Henry', and asks Mayor if he can tell her the history of this piece. Asks if it was a paper discussed at Trumpington, and how the co-operation came about.

Sidgwick, Eleanor Mildred (1845-1936), college head
Add. MS c/104/66 · Item · 21 Apr. 1904
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks Mayor for returning his MS. Claims that if he had been confident enough in his memory to serve Mayor's or Nora Sidgwick's purpose regarding 'the philosophical discussions at Trumpington' he would have answered him before. Is confused about dates, but states that he has little doubt that he first went to Professor Grote's house to listen to, and occasionally read, philosophical papers in the October term of 1863. States that the only other people who attended these meetings at this time were Henry Sidgwick, 'John Venn of Caius, and Pearson of St John's'. Describes the attributes of each of those who attended, and remarks that Sidgwick obviously preferred ethics to metaphysics, and recalls [Professor] Alfred Marshall emphasising his admiration of this side of Sidgwick very soon after he made his acquaintance. Refers to Sidgwick's opinion of Kant and Hegel, and to the intuitionalism 'which in the end he united with his utilitarianism'. Is uncertain as to whether he gave any measure of assent to the first fundametal proposition of 'Ferrier's Institutes of Metaphysics'

Wishes that he could remember more of the actual papers that Sidgwick read to the Philosophical Society, which was, after Grote's death, called the Grote Society, but has the impression that 'they were tentatives towards the kind of line which he afterwards took in the Methods of Ethics'. Refers also to Sidgwick's attitude to metaphysics. Believes that J.S. Mill was the philosopher whom he always admired and trusted the most. Holds, however, that he changed his view of Mill between 1863 and 1873, citing his reaction to Mill's Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy, and to Fitzjames Stephen's attack on Mill in Liberty, Equality, and Fraternity.

Refers to Grote's view of ethics and metaphysics, and to his Treatise on the Moral Ideals, and to the similarities between him and Sidgwick. Refers also to other members of the society, such as Henry Jackson and Maurice. Recalls Sidgwick's good opinion of Venn, who was a great admirer of Mill, and names other members of the society, such as W. K. Clifford and T. W. Levin. Recalls also that when he [Mozley] went to Clifton in September 1864, Sidgwick wrote to somebody, referring to him as 'the first original a priori philosopher that has trod the streets of Cambridge for many a day'. Does not think that Herbert Spencer was ever a great favourite in the society, but had himself a great respect for him 'as the founder of the theory of evolution.' Adds that when 'the old crow, who could count up to five, but not beyond, once came before the Grote Society', Sidgwick 'was unkind enough to doubt his existence' and none of the rest of them could give evidence for him.

Mozley, John Rickards (1840-1931), educator and mathematician
Add. MS c/104/65 · Item · 7 Oct 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Marshall states in his notes [65/1-2] on the extracts that they are 'from a common place book begun in April 1866, and continued fitfully till the end of 1867'. Explains that all except the first relate to the Grote Club, and refers to its members, including those active in 1867: Professor Maurice, Henry Sidgwick, Venn, J.R. Mozley, and Pearson. States that the latter was a devoted pupil of J. B. Mayor. Refers also to the renewal of the club with the advent of W.K. Clifford and J.F. Moulton. Describes the impression that some of the conversations that took place during the meetings, especially those involving Henry and Professor Maurice, made on him.

First sheet of extracts [65/3] relates to Henry Sidgwick's descriptions of the reactions of Addison and Comte to their imminent deaths. The rest [65/4-16] relate to the Grote Club, and include dates of meetings, members present and matters discussed.

With envelope [65/17] addressed to Nora Sidgwick; annotated in her hand - 'Notes etc from Prof. Marshall. his account of the club is printed in the Memoir. To it are attached [ ] contemporary notes of meetings NB. He says J.B. Mayor will be the best person to ask about it. Early days of it. Tripos... J.B. Mayor and J.R. Mozley about early days of Grote Club.'

Marshall, Alfred (1842-1924), economist
Add. MS c/103/111 · Item · 23 Nov 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Has read the paper which Nora sent to him - a note in pencil explains that this paper is on the development of Henry Sidgwick's ethical views - and believes that it ought to be published. Declares that it makes his position clearer 'and shows very strikingly the careful process by which he had thought out his argument'. Has finished the article on Henry [which he was writing for Mind], apart from the conclusion; remarks on the impossibility to do justice to him in such a small space, which led him 'to send that message to Kate.'

Is glad that Nora intends to write a life of Henry based on his correspondence, and is certain that if she can procure the letters she 'may make a profoundly interesting book.' Admits that he had not appreciated the full beauty of Henry's character during his life. Adds that besides what she gave him on Henry and the articles in the Cambridge Review, he has come across a note 'in Venn' about the founding, by Venn, Mayor and Henry Sidgwick, of 'a little "Grote Club" in a meeting under John Grote as chairman at Trumpington.' Also refers to a notice in the Charity Organisation Society. Says that he tried, in the limited space available, to point out 'how the philosophy was the natural outcome of the life, without endeavouring to criticize it at all.' Will be at the meeting on the following Monday if he is well enough, staying with Maitland; suggests that he could call on Nora in the afternoon if she wished to see him.

Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904), knight, author and literary critic