College, Putney - The Duke of Buckland and Lord Devon are the most active patrons of this college and want well qualified men associated with it. As WW has spent a great deal of time on the 'Scientific Education of our Engineers', MC would like him 'to be nominated a Vice President or Hon member' of the college.
College for Civil Engineers, Putney - Poncelet's Mecanique Industrielle forms the groundwork of my lectures: Willis's Principles of Mechanism (1841) is the class book of the course of machinery: De Pambour's Theory of the Steam Engine is generally too hard for the students at present but MC hopes they will eventually master it. Poncelet's mathematics is well suited to the present capacities of his students. The College suffers from the neglect of mathematics taught at school, therefore he wants to establish a school connected with the College to teach more mathematics.