Hickleton, Doncaster.
Admiralty - Blakesley's paper so well written that Sir Charles Wood is having it printed and sent to Sir E. [Edmund] Lyons
H[ouse] of Commons. - C[harles?] Wood's excuse for not subscribing for Lamartine libels Ellice: Ellice did not say that he was reluctant to contribute; would only have abstained from joining Committee of political nature.
On headed notepaper with viscount's coronet. 10 Belgrave Sq[uare]. - Condolences on the death of Lady Houghton.
Avranches, La Manche. - Is seeking India Office nomination for her son Hugh; would Houghton intercede with his neighbour Lord De Grey as Sir Charles Wood's list seems to carry no weight; her husband served 15 years in the India House but retired with a spinal injury following a rail accident in 1853; has learned of impending vacancies from colleagues there; deaths of her brother and sister.
49 Quai Henri IV, Dieppe. - Seeks naval promotion for his son James William Gambier, late of the Iris; his service in New Zealand; promotion of Sir Charles Wood's son James with lesser claims.