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Letter from William Whewell
R./2.99/24 · Item · 11 July 1825
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

WW is on the verge of departing on his travels. His first destination is a place near Dresden - 'my stay there will depend upon the motions of Professor Mohs [Friedrich Mohs]. It is not impossible that I may go on to Vienna but rather more likely that I shall spend a portion of my time at Berlin & I should be much obliged by your recommendation to any of your friends there, or at Dresden, to whom it might not be too much trouble to write with the chance of your letters not being delivered'. WW is in such a hurry because 'the mineralogical lectures at Freyberg end early August. I hope to return full of crystallography'.

Letter from William Whewell
R./2.99/25 · Item · 15 Aug. 1825
Part of Manuscripts in Wren Class R

WW is pleased he came when he did - 'I found Mohs [Friedrich Mohs] just preparing to leave Frieberg for Vienna where he spends his vacation, and at his invitation I have resolved to join him at that capital, where I shall stay, I conceive, till near the end of September; so that all communications there will be very welcome. Previous to receiving your letter I had met with your friend Hase who accosted me with enquiries after you'. WW would be happy to help HJR with any researches he may desire WW to undertake. 'Some of my principal employments at Vienna will be seeing mineralogical collections and sitting at the feet of Professor Mohs while he discusses them, but I hope to find time for other things...I saw Hermann at Leipsic who enquired after you; and I had the satisfaction of hearing a lecture of his on the art of Criticism. I do not know whether I shall be able to give as good an account of the German schools of Mineralogy, as you have given of their Theology, but there is much to be said thereupon. They have got a Natural History system of my science, as they have got a Naturalist scheme of yours: and a very dangerous heresy it is considered to be. I am afraid however that I may not bring about a union between the two creeds, which I hope will not be such a horrible thing in science as you hold it to be in faith'.

Letter from David Brewster
Add. MS a/201/77 · Item · 25 Sept. 1829
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Allerly by Melrose - DB has read WW's essay on mineralogical classification with much pleasure, and considers it a vast improvement upon Mohs's system [Friedrich Mohs] - 'a provisional system which will soon disappear'. Hopes WW will now devote his time to examining the properties of individual minerals. Could WW send him any unknown information on Isaac Newton to assist him with his biography.