With 3 tickets to Senate House.
St. Catherine's College Lodge - HP has been requested by the Council of the Senate to acknowledge WW's letter dated 9 June 1857, agreeing to the Statute proposed by the Council for the three Regius Professorships of Divinity, Hebrew and Greek; they also agreed to adopt a new College Statute, of which WW enclosed a copy, and incorporate it into the larger Statute affecting the said Professorships and pass it on to the Cambridge University Commissioners. Accompanied by the printed fly-sheet headed "Proposed new Statute for the Regius Professorships of Divinity, Hebrew and Greek."
Written from St. Catherine's College Lodge. Concerns the candidatures of Prince Albert and the Earl of Powis for the office of Chancellor of the university.
Written from St Catherine's Lodge.
Includes material written by Whewell, F. Whaley Harper, J. J. Smith, and H. Philpott.
If JCH feels strong enough over the proposed changes of the examinations he can stay as long as he likes with WW at the time of the vote: 'It would be better that the graces should be carried by votes of non-residents than that they should be lost'. WW encloses a pamphlet by Philpott [Henry Philpott] which he hopes will draw opinions in their favour: 'I shall be much grieved if the graces do not pass, at least for the most part'.