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Letter from H. Philpott
Add. MS a/55/48 · Item · 14 Oct. 1857
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

St. Catherine's College Lodge - HP has been requested by the Council of the Senate to acknowledge WW's letter dated 9 June 1857, agreeing to the Statute proposed by the Council for the three Regius Professorships of Divinity, Hebrew and Greek; they also agreed to adopt a new College Statute, of which WW enclosed a copy, and incorporate it into the larger Statute affecting the said Professorships and pass it on to the Cambridge University Commissioners. Accompanied by the printed fly-sheet headed "Proposed new Statute for the Regius Professorships of Divinity, Hebrew and Greek."

Letter from Henry Philpott
Add. MS a/57/67 · Item · 28 Feb. 1847
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Written from St. Catherine's College Lodge. Concerns the candidatures of Prince Albert and the Earl of Powis for the office of Chancellor of the university.

Add. MS a/215/98 · Item · 20 Oct. 1848
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

If JCH feels strong enough over the proposed changes of the examinations he can stay as long as he likes with WW at the time of the vote: 'It would be better that the graces should be carried by votes of non-residents than that they should be lost'. WW encloses a pamphlet by Philpott [Henry Philpott] which he hopes will draw opinions in their favour: 'I shall be much grieved if the graces do not pass, at least for the most part'.