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Add. MS a/204/134 · Item · 31 July 1860
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Pitlochry, N.B. - JDF thanks WW for the account of the eclipse he witnessed from Bayonne in Spain - 'certainly the most wonderful spectacle in nature'. He is 'greatly indebted' to WW for the advice he gave regarding John Tyndall and will act upon it [see JDF to WW, 14 July 1860]. He was going to write a reply in the Athenaeum - 'but I am now satisfied that this would provoke needless controversy the London Weekly Periodical critics are too many for me'. He will therefore write a pamphlet in the tone WW suggests - ''rather for the information of others than to justify myself'' [Reply to Professor Tyndall's Remarks in his Work 'On the Glaciers of the Alps' re. Rendu's 'Theorie des Glaciers', 1860]. He has had correspondence in support from Lyon Playfair even though he is 'a warm admirer of Tyndall', and M. De La Rene - 'an old acquaintance and correspondent of Rendu'. Will WW consider writing an article on the subject in the Quarterly Review 'which is not yet committed'.