Correspondence between I. M. James and D. J. H. Garling. Includes only those working under Adams for more than one year.
Material assembled by I. M. James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams with letters from W. A. Sutherland, Martin C. Tangora (a printout of an email), and Charles B. Thomas.
Material assembled by I. M. James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams with letters from Douglas C. Ravenel to Grace Adams, and N. Ray, J. A. Sjogren, and V. Snaith to I. M. James.
Material assembled by I. M .James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams from R. M. F. Moss, enclosing a letter from Adams dated 28 June 1960, and J. C. Polkinghorne.
Material assembled by I. M. James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams with letters from Peter Johnstone and David G. Kendall with J. P. May's eulogy for Adams, 29 April 1989.
Material assembled by I. M. James during the preparation of his Royal Society memoir of Adams, with letters from Tony Bahri (includes photograph of Adams on top of a sculpture in 1983), Geoffrey Best, Peter Bousfield, and A. B. Clegg.