Royal Institution - Thanks WW on behalf of the Royal Institution 'for your discourse on the idea of Polarity'.
Royal Institution - Thanks WW for the "English Hexameter Translations" from the most eminent Greek & German Poets' ['Dialogues on English Hexameters', from Frasers Magazine, 1847 and 1849]. Michael Faraday has been very unwell.
London - Thanks WW for the copy of his defence of Newton [On Hegel's Criticism of Newton, 1849]: 'From the very little I can pretend to know of philosophical students on this country, I should guess that Hegel's influence is waning'. Further to WW's second memoir on the Fundamental Antithesis: 'No doubt your, most active, intellectual life has produced more important results than that distinction between man's progress as a scientific inquirer and as a moral agent, I certainly never read any thing in my life which struck me as being at once so new, and so suggestive.'
St. Julian's near Sevenoaks - If WW ever gets a thought 'which you could develop agreeably to yourself at one of our evening meetings, I would find a Friday for it at almost any notice'.
JB has received WW's note and will endeavour to fulfill his request [to do with the production of a magnetic chart].