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Add. MS a/201/2 · Item · 30 July 1852
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Mr de Barneveld would have replied to WW's note earlier had he been at home. MB has enclosed a reply she has just received from Professor Conrad Leemans [Item 3]. It would be a pleasure to see WW and Mrs Whewell in Leyden. MB's sister has died.

Letter from Conrad Leemans
Add. MS a/208/22 · Item · 3 June 1853
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Leyden - After WW left Leyden, CL received letters from two colleagues with advice on where WW would find the references to aid his research on their judicial life. Professor de Wal has all the relevant books in his library and would be willing to let WW see them, if he decides to return during their vacation between July and September.