A pamphlet attributed to Whewell, "Clipt Words" (9 copies); four issues of "Ο ΑΠΟΛΛΩΝ ΕΦΗΜΕΡΙΣ ΤΗΣ ΥΔΡΑΣ" (1831); advertisements for dictionaries and etymological books; a prospectus for the publication of Anglo Saxon Manuscripts by N. F. S. Grundtvig (London, 1831) with a MS poem in English written by Grundtvig for Whewell dated 19 June 1831; and copies of questions for the Junior and Senior English classes at the University of London, with other miscellaneous works.
RJ is well as can be expected after his illness [see RJ to WW, 2 Oct. 1844]. He thinks a 'good selection of Scandinavian details and a good view of the early interior history of the neighbouring Slavonic nations are much wanted to throw light on the institutions of Europe up to 900 but it would torture the labor of a life to get at the languages and the matter so as to put it in any useful form and who will give it us? The exclusive attachment to physical science which is a characteristic of England just now will I think deter any Englishman fit for such tasks from attempting them and we shall have perhaps for another century societies and associations collecting specimens of birds[,] beasts and stones and magnifying and strengthening the chances of pursuits harmless always - often useful but which I regret to see forming the exclusive characteristics of the national intellect. The monster association is only a large vent for the peoples passion when said vent dies away some other will break out - and so much for a groan for the public - I need not say I can escape together as much Scandinavian love as I want myself but if Mr Grundtvig [Nicolai F. S. Grundtvig] has sent over anything not too formidable I will get it and read it . Go on writing metaphysics and morals the very attempt is patriotic just now'.