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Add. MS a/207/129 · Item · 24 Apr. 1849
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Boston, USA - CTJ's place in the history of the inductive science of physiology, relating to the discovery of etherism. He gives an account of his experience with ether. His experiments 'led me to conclude that the nerves of sensation were paralysed by the ether, and I ventured to declare confidently to my friends, that I had discovered a means of averting the pain of surgical operations'. CTJ wants WW to sanction his claim as the discoverer of the application of ether in surgical operations.

Add. MS a/207/130 · Item · 18 Dec. 1849
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Boston - CTJ thanks WW for his letter and interest in his claims to the discovery of etherism [see CTJ to WW, 24 April 1849]. He is sorry that WW has given up the idea of of doing an inductive history of physiology. CTJ has just completed his Report on the Geology and Mineralogy of the Copper and Silver bearing lands of the US and Lake Superior and submitted it to the Government. He gives a description of the content of his geological and mineralogical survey.