25 York Terrace, Regent's Park. - Her insignificance; Lady Galway sat next to her at a party for an hour and did not recognise her; still seeking a public post for George; his deafness precludes an Army career.
Bath. - On the death of Robert Pemberton Milnes; Horace and Eliza [her children] send thanks to Milnes for informing them of the 'friendly remembrance' of them and their siblings in his father's will; other family news.
Harrogate. - Progress hither after parting; an execrable Apollo and Diana on a château entrance near Wetherby; no animals or people to be seen, despite heavy cultivation; contrast with late working hours on the continent. Harrogate a poor place for social gatherings; their guests. Milnes summoned by [George] Hudson to a railway meeting with Mr Stephenson at Bawtry next week. Richard has filled Fryston with visitors for the Philosophical meeting at York. Possible European excursions. Dowager Lady Galway and Horace have been burgled at Coulson's. Comical sight of young men lounging in a vehicle with eight donkeys and scarlet postilions.
Fr[yston]. - No stray box at present. There have been 'four clearances this week': Mary's; to the Dow[ager Lady] G[alway] at Bath, to [R. P. Milnes's sisters at] Torquay, & to J. Melville tonight. The next is to Georgy M[onckton], '& his must be 40 peaches, ofr each of the 27 boys in the house to have one, & Mr Rosen & Mr Jerdein the rest'
At dinner last night there was a 'terrific storm - the lightning killed a woman at the station - &, still more horrible, the hail stones broke 900 panes of our glass'.