Personal and scientific correspondence, re meetings, publications, research projects, nuclear energy programme, etc.
F.74: 1946–66
F.75: c 1941. Photocopy of Kowarski's Affidavit to the Patent Compensation Board, United States Atomic Energy Commission, describing his research in France and Britain (to January-March 1941).
F.76: 1967-78
Orange spiral-bound notebook inscribed 'O.R. Frisch c/o Kowarski', with miscellaneous notes of meetings, conference papers, research, some dated 1960, 1963 and related to work at CERN.
Caricatures identified by Frisch are 'Lew Kowarski', 'Rudi Peierls?', 'Hans Staub', 'Self portrait?', 'Fermi'.
- Carbon copy of letter from Kowarski to J. D. Cockcroft re Kowarski's contribution (not enclosed) to a presentation volume on the occasion of J. Chadwick's 75th birthday.
- Article by J. Combrisson on physics in France, annotated for Frisch by Kowarski.
:'Evidence for a potentially divergent nuclear reaction chain in a system, below the critical size, containing U and D'. Typescript by H. Halban and L. Kowarski. n.d., c.1941.
'Some notes on the Halifax Explosion', by H.L. Bronson (reprint).
'Preliminary report on work carried out in Liverpool'. Typescript, no author or date.
'Ellis' experiments on the abs. levels of Ur.'. Typescript by C.D. Ellis, 26 January 1940, with ms. title added later by Thomson.
'Uranium bomb'. Typescript, no author or date. Discusses possibility of a uranium bomb.
'Splitting of the uranium nucleus'. Duplicated typescript, no author or date. c.1940.
Includes 11 pp. report 'Study of density distributions of resonance neutrons in widely extended media' (by Halban, Kemmer and Kowarski) August 1941; a 1 p. note on 'Capture cross-sections for thermal neutrons', March 1942; 2 pp. Progress Report of Cambridge slow neutron group, August 1943.
Letter of 29 December 1941 has 'Postscript by Kowarski'.
Feather, N. 1940 (Frisch's carbon only), 1942
Freundlich, H.J. 1941-42. Letter of 12 November 1941 has 'A Postscript by Kowarski'.