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Archival description
Correspondence: Halban, H.
FRSH/B/99 · File · 1939–1940
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Halban's letter of 29 January 1940 (in French) describes the difficulties of research under prevailing conditions and the deposit of their results in sealed letters to ensure priority.

'Badewanne 1' folder
FRSH/B/62-65 · File
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Contents of a substantial folder so described.

The term 'Bathtub' was used by Frisch to describe the work on slow neutrons in hydrogenous substances. There is no other surviving folder with this title but there are two notebooks (B.47, B.48) to which reference is occasionally made in headings to diagrams, etc.

Notes, drafts, diagrams and calculations, related to work on slow neutron capture and in particular to 'The slowing-down and capture of neutrons in hydrogenous substances', by Frisch, Halban and Koch (Mat.-fys. Medd., K. Dansk Vid. Selsk., 15, 1937.

B.62: Heavily-corrected 7 pp. draft for paper. Miscellaneous pages of extensive MS notes and narrative, by Frisch and another, some headed 'Badewanne' and with various dates 1937. Pages run 1-42, but with many omissions. These items are in the original folder.

B.63: Continuing sequence of notes, paginated 51-57. Miscellaneous curves and diagrams, all by Frisch, a few dated 1937.

B.64: Figures, tables, shorter drafts, some headed 'Badewanne' and with dates 1937.

B.65: Shorter unidentified notes and diagrams. Brief correspondence re results, 1937.

'Kurven' folder
FRSH/B/61 · Item · 1937–1938
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Some items dated 1937 (not all in Frisch's hand).

Included here is a heavily-corrected proof of 'A method of measuring the magnetic moment of free neutrons', by Frisch, Halban and Koch (Nature, 139, 1937).

Also included here is a letter January 1938 to Bohr from S. Goudsmit expressing interest in the results and suggestions for further research.

THMG/D/13 · File
Part of Papers of Sir George Paget Thomson

:'Evidence for a potentially divergent nuclear reaction chain in a system, below the critical size, containing U and D'. Typescript by H. Halban and L. Kowarski. n.d., c.1941.
'Some notes on the Halifax Explosion', by H.L. Bronson (reprint).
'Preliminary report on work carried out in Liverpool'. Typescript, no author or date.
'Ellis' experiments on the abs. levels of Ur.'. Typescript by C.D. Ellis, 26 January 1940, with ms. title added later by Thomson.
'Uranium bomb'. Typescript, no author or date. Discusses possibility of a uranium bomb.
'Splitting of the uranium nucleus'. Duplicated typescript, no author or date. c.1940.

Correspondence: Kowarski, L.
FRSH/B/121 · File · 1941–1943
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Includes 11 pp. report 'Study of density distributions of resonance neutrons in widely extended media' (by Halban, Kemmer and Kowarski) August 1941; a 1 p. note on 'Capture cross-sections for thermal neutrons', March 1942; 2 pp. Progress Report of Cambridge slow neutron group, August 1943.