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TRER/45/17 · Item · [c 1883?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Is 'very well and happy', and hopes they all are as well. The school 'licked Flamborough yesterday'; S[ackville] West scored the only goal, though Flamborough had 'three corner kicks'. Robert is 'top for Latin this week'. Asks her to give Georgy the crests. The 'two smallest Sac[k]ville Wests seem to be all right'. There are '18 more days [of term]'. There will be two more matches with Farnbourgh.

Sketches of house on the third and fourth pages.

TRER/45/18 · Item · [Feb 1883?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[on headed notepaper for 40 Ennismore Gardens]. Is 'very well and happy', and hopes they all are as well. The Sac[k]ville Wests' mother has died, and they have gone back to their home in Bangor. Robert expects she will 'see it in the papers', and if so asks her to cut the report out and give it to him in the holidays. He is 'top for the week in Latin'. Smith would like Robert's photograph, so he asks his mother to send one if she has 'one to spare'. Mr Arnold says 'they have found all the Phoenix Park murderers'. Martineau has come back [to school after suffering from ringworm]. Sketches of [?] sailing ships on the second and fourth pages.

TRER/45/32 · Item · [1882-1883?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The train gets to London at 10.27 AM. Mr Arnold 'will always ask what train' Robert goes by. Sac[k]ville West ma[jor] 'has got the up[p]er swimming competition, and Melly mi[nor]: the lower shying [?], and Holt ma[jor]: the lower gymnastics'. Three boys were 'flogged in one day last week for using bad language': Shawe, Rumbold and Alexander.

[on headed notepaper for 40 Ennismore Gardens]. Asks his mother for the 'adress for next hols [sic]' as he wants to give it to some of his schoolfellows. The boys 'leaving for good' are Weston, Browning, Van de Weyer, 'the two Douglases' [including Lord Alfred Douglas], Sackville West ma[jor] and Sellar. Booth has 'got the lower shying compete [sic]', and Weston the upper; the swimming is not finished. Saw a 'walking bear walking about Eversley, with two Pyrenees men'. The school was 'trashed' 19-136 by Flamborough. Would like to do some history and geography in the holidays.