'British Nuclear Industry'. Notes for talk to Federation of British Industries Nuclear Energy Conference, April 1958.
'Atoms for Peace'.Notes for talk to `Oxford Conservatives', July 1958. (On verso of notes is a list of characteristics of Lord Cherwell, obtained from his servant J. Harvey, presumably for use by Thomson in his Memoir of Cherwell. See G.53ff.).
Article for News Chronicle, August 1958. Correspondence andtypescript of article.
3 pp. of calculations, which were not sent to Lindemann, are also included in the folder.
Includes recollections of Cherwell's Statistical Branch 1940-42, some annotated by Thomson for quotation, and comments on a draft of the Memoir.
Included are letters by F. A. Lindemann (B/58), A.J. Balfour (B/58, B/59), A.E. Housman (B/58, B/59), Robert Strutt, 4th Baron Rayleigh (B/58, B/61), Stanley Baldwin (B/59, B/60), Robert Chalmers, 1st Baron Chalmers of Northiam (B/59), Charles John Darling, 1st Baron Darling (B/59), Henry Edward Duke, 1st Baron Merivale (B/60), Hermann Glauert (B/57), Helen Frances Hort, Lady Hort (B/61), Arthur Foley Winnington-Ingram (B/58), Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge (B/60, B/61), Princess Marie Louise (B/57), Andrew Graham Murray, 1st Viscount Dunedin (B/59).
Includes recollections of Cherwell's wartime activities.
On 'spinning flight'; includes a substantial account by Farren of Cherwell's work in aerodynamics of which only part was used in the Memoir.
Includes various recollections of Cherwell, and controversy about 'spinning flight', and the chronology of Cherwell's experiments on spin.
Includes Ismay's comments on a draft of the Memoir.
Includes bibliography, Jones's obituary of Cherwell, correspondence on V2.
Includes early recollections of C L Lindemann and an offprint on Statistical Section.
On an earlier discussion of Cherwell's work.
Includes recollections of Cherwell's later political career.
On Committee for Scientific Survey of Air Defence and Air Defence Research Committee.
Offprint of published Memoir.