Peterborough Deanery. H M Butler failed to get the prize for [Greek] lyrics, Spencer Butler returned to Cambridge to read, details new appointments at Peterborough.
Peterborough Deanery. Spencer Butler reading with Munro who will be a tripos examiner the following year.
Trinity College. Congratulates him on winning the English verse prize.
Peterborough Deanery. Thoughts of the family with H M Butler's [Gregory] scholarship examination pending, Spencer Butler finding coaching hard work.
Asks if Spencer Butler has inquired about the applicants for the post of Headmaster at King's School. Peterborough, 29 applicants, pleased academic life is suiting H M Butler.
Trinity College Cambridge. Spencer Butler gave H M Butler arrowroot to help him through the Pitt examination, Spencer has nine pupils.
Peterborough. Spencer Butler has been awarded the top Rugby exhibition to Trinity College Cambridge
Cambridge. Examiners have told Calverly he should get the Craven scholarship the following year, general opinion of the Craven Scholarship examiners was Burbury first and H M Butler second, Spencer Butler's speech in the Union, appointment of John Jackson as Bishop of Lincoln, preparing for Little Go.
Dover. Spencer Butler wrote with news that H M Butler had gained a University Scholarship, Arthur Butler's unexpected success.
Deanery [Peterborough]. Willing to go away with Spencer Butler on a long vacation retreat, awarded a second class in the May college exams.
Deanery [Peterborough]. Arrangements for retreat.
Gayton. Description of Spencer Butler's rooms in Trinity, Spencer intends both a mathematical and classical tutor, James Prince Lee to be made Bishop of Birmingham, has engaged a new coachman, enquires if H M Butler's form read Thucydides or Herodotus.
Buraw. Description of a visit to Scotland.
visit to Fingal's Cave, discussion of a passage in The Republic, Morning Chronicle article on Macaulay: Keney
Gayton. Commends H M Butler on his monthly report, Spencer Butler happily settled at Cambridge.
Cambridge. Birth of a son of George Butler, Thompson and Whewell have given Spencer Butler testimonials.
Plautus has little of the obscenity of Aristophanes, Niebuhr, preparing for his week in Marlborough.
Comments on the publication of George Butler's letters to Samuel Butler
Cambridge. Maths tripos, expects to be in the middle of the Junior Optimes, if he is plucked he will lose his scholarship and therefore his chance of a fellowship.
A letter to Spen [Spencer Perceval Butler] dated 22 Apr. 1892 was previously laid in loose between pp 107-108. Journal followed by verses written by Montagu Butler at the back.
Peterborough. encloses M3/1/36, Vaughan has congratulated GB on H M Butler's progress, Classical Parallels by Gretton, Spencer Butler entered for the Bell scholarship, scarletina, mumps and whooping cough at Rugby but the school not closed, revolt by fags put down.
congratulations on being awarded the Peel Prize
Congratulations at Gordon Butler winning another Trinity Scholarship, comments at looking through the papers of George Butler