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Add. MS c/95/104 · Item · 19 Nov 1887
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses his eagerness to write in honour of Darwin [on the occasion of the publication of Francis Darwin's Life and Letters of Charles Darwin], but envisages some difficulties, viz., the papers, including the Times, being so full of Darwin 'from every point of view' that it will be difficult 'to make one's voice heard.' Presumes that [J. T. ?] Knowles and others have already arranged for reviews. Refers to Darwin's own autobiography, and suggests that any review should merely say 'read it'. Remarks that F[rancis] Darwin 'may be quite sure that the book has intrinsic interest enough to dispense with any [puffing] or interpreting.' Undertakes to read the book at once, and consider what he can do. Complains of '[t]hat accursed dictionary [of National Biography]', which he describes as a treadmill, but claims that he is getting into a sort of routine, which will give him time to do other things. Claims that he is always trying to get to Cambridge to see his boy [his step-son George Duckworth] there, but doesn't often succeed; hopes to be there one day during the term, and promises to make an effort to see Sidgwick. Expresses his [and Mrs Stephen's) gladness that [Arthur?] Balfour is convalescing.

Stephen, Sir Leslie (1832-1904), knight, author and literary critic
SMIH/46 · sub-fonds · 23 Jan 1903-31 Dec 1907
Part of Papers of Sir Henry Babington Smith

23: 19 Jul 1904, enclosing press cutting announcing engagement of George Herbert Duckworth to Lady Margaret Leonora Evelyn Selina Herbert.
27: [12 Jul 1904?], with addition: Henry Babington Smith to Michael James Babington Smith.
41: 22 Jun 1905, with enclosure: speech by Henry Babington Smith at Trinity College dinner, 21 Jun 1905.
81: 8 May 1906, with enclosure: notes by Henry Babington Smith on conversation with the King and Queen of Italy, 6 May 1906.
127: 18 Jul 1807, with enclosures: letter from D. C. J. Ibbetson to Henry Babington Smith, 17 Jul [1807]; two printed French songs of Yvette Guilbert.
131: 5 Sept 1907: end missing.

Flowers enclosed with 66, 86.

Add. MS a/717/6 · Item · [Nov. 1888?]
Part of Additional Manuscripts a

Headed 'For place of College shoe black'. Browne's address given as 15 Brunswick Walk, Cambridge. 'Still at the Kitchens after 20 yrs service'. Signed by N. M. Farrer, H. V. Barnard, C. A. Sherring, G. J. T. Seckham, G. H. Duckworth, J. W. Cave, C. W. Parry, J. G. Veitch, W. R. Hoare, H. T. Wright and E[?]. M. Butler, all Trinity students.

With stamp of the Chief Constable's Office, Cambridgeshire Constabulary, 10 Aug. [18]89.