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Add. MS c/103/122 · Item · 15 Mar 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Has just finished reading Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir, and thanks Nora again for giving it to her; reading it 'has been like living with old friends over again. Remarks on how Henry's 'unique character shines out of that wonderful series of letters from early days to the patient givingup of all that life means in the last dozen....' Notes also that at the end he was not tired of life; that he wanted to live, and had Nora by his side. Recalls Henry at Mentone, 'and then through the [ ] of years until that last pitiful sight of him in the nursing-home....' Suggests that the love he won from his friends was his best gift, and declares what good company he was. Has a letter he wrote to her daughter Katharine 'in the last weeks of her engagement to Charles Furse.' States that she has Katharine and her boys with her now. There is an exhibition of Charles' work at the Burlington Club Rooms in the following few weeks, and they will probably go to it.

Symonds, Janet Catherine North (1837-1913), author
Add. MS c/95/130 · Item · 9 Jul 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims that she cannot help writing, after reading Sidgwick's last letter to H.F. B[rown]. Says that she has thought of him and Nora much since she saw them in London. Glad that they are 'able to move about among [their] fellow-men even at Margate'. Reports that the weather is persistently bad in the High Alps, and remarks that it is well that Horatio has the History of [Venice] 'to employ his mind, for his walking boots won't sit idle on the shelf on such a day as this.' Reports that her sister [in law] Charlotte - Mrs Green - is there, and that Lina Duff Gordon and 'Charles Furse's nice sister' went off to England that day. Refers to Katharine's happiness, and confesses that it is infectious, but expresses her concern as to whether it can last. Reports that Charles writes to Katharine that he has eight portraits to finish and two large decorative p[ ]s for Liverpool 'before he can possibly find time for marrying her'. States that 'Madge's letters are all agog about the prospect of Sedbergh' [her husband William may have been in the running for a position there] and that the elections are to be settled by the twentieth of the month. Declares his testimonials to be excellent, and says that she is glad that Sidgwick saw him. States that she loves him best of her sons-in-law. Sends her love to both Sidgwick and his wife.

Symonds, Janet Catherine North (1837-1913), author
Add. MS c/100/170 · Item · [27 June 1886]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Thanks him for his letter. Thinks that he must come back [to England from Switzerland]. Explains that he has agreed to put his name on the Unionist Liberal Committee, and would feel that he 'had not acted up to [his] principles' if he did not turn up to vote [in the General Election]' Requests him to send a telegram 'as soon as the day is known', and gives directions in relation to the address to which it should be sent. Reports that they are having a good time, and that J A. S[ymonds] and his three younger daughters are well. States however, that 'they have hardly any hope' in relation to Janet [Symonds' eldest daughter, very ill with tuberculosis].

Add. MS c/103/38 · Item · 30 Oct 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to the current number 'of the [American] Outlook [6 Oct 1906]' sent to her by her friend Miss Sington, part of which she now encloses [included]. It contains a review of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir by H. Addinton Bruce, which Sington believed Ewart would like to see, and suggested that it should be shown to Nora, or to someone at Newnham College. Expresses the desire to introduce Sington to Nora, and hopes to do so when the latter goes to her flat the following February.

Reports that she spent September at A[rmadale?], opposite R[um], and spent two days with Madge and Mr Vaughan and their four children. Adds that she spent a day in August with Katharine's nurse, and her mother and boys. States that that Katharine and her mother 'are enlarging the garden before they move to Lyme Regis', and that Katharine will probably go to Davos in the winter.

Add. MS c/101/73 · Item · 15 Aug 1900
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to Henry's letter to Katharine, which induced her to write to Nora and Henry, 'just to feel in touch with [them] both.' Declares that she loves them both dearly, and thinks about them constantly. Reports that three days previously H.F. Brown sent her Henry's letter 'to him, dictated to Graham Dakyns...' Wishes that they both could have come out to Switzerland again, 'just as in the old days!' Recounts her memories of the Sidgwicks' last visit there, when the latter were 'just fresh from [their] [Hyères] visit', and the wonders of their latest mediums, '[not yet proved fraudulent]'. Laments that now 'the last of the children will soon be gone too', and that his world in the past few years 'has been shrinking at an appaling rate'. Claims that the Sidgwicks were her favourite visitors, and refers to how 'Johnnie' [John Addington Symonds] loved the talks he had with Henry, and how he made point of keeping his letters. Hopes to see them both in the autumn, when she intends to go to England. Asks Nora who will do her work at Newnham, as she assumes that she could not stand the social strain of it now.. Reports that their house is full now, with Madge, her husband and baby, Walter Leaf, and others. Announces that Katharine is to go to England in three weeks, and in two months will be married, the idea of which, she claims, she has yet to get used to. Refers again to Henry's letter to Katharine. States that she hopes that 'C[harles] F[urse] is worthy of all the believing love of which she [Katharine] is making him the centre.' Prays for God's blessing to be upon the Sidgwicks.

Symonds, Janet Catherine North (1837-1913), author
Add. MS c/103/84 · Item · 15 Feb. 1906
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses her delight that Nora is to give her a copy of Henry Sidgwick: A Memoir; Nora will miss it now, though it must be 'a comfort that the responsibility is out of [her] hands.' Remarks also on 'how infinitely pathetic' to her must have been the work of that last dictated bit of autobiography', and states that no one ever lived in his letters as Henry did. Has kept 'that last little note' which Henry wrote to her, which came to her 'at [Mary] Ewarts'. There are 'too many people still left to whom [Henry] was a real friend as well as teacher' for the book to remain unread.

Reports that Katharine is at Davos, that the latter's boys are with her [in Lyme Regis], and that they and Katharine were all at Am Hof with her 'until the last days came.' States that she and [ ] are going to live together at Y[ickley] as soon as the Leafs leave it. Does not know if the arrangement will work out or not. She intends to return to Lyme Regis the following winter. Wishes that the house were really her own. Reports that she heard from Baron von Hügel some days previously. Fears that she has been very ill. Expresses her desire to come to see 'both of them' and Nora 'one day soon'.