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Add. MS c/100/237 · Item · [Feb 1873]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Regrets that he cannot come to town, due to pressures of work. A review of Herbert Spencer and an article on the Sophists are due in the middle of March. Thinks that he shall be in town on Sunday 30 March, when he shall have time to meet Mrs H. H[ ]. Must give lectures every day next week, and 'could not conveniently get away for a night'.

Accepts an invitation to go to Brandon House [Myers' home in Cheltenham] in April, unless he needs to take sea-air for his health; if so, he will go to Freshwater, where the air agrees with him, 'and occasional contemplation of the Laureate affords one of the purest pleasures that [man's] fallen nature has to give'. Leslie Stephen will probably also be there, and he need not tell Myers that 'one who cultivates his pen ought also to cultivate editors'. If these reasons do not seem 'adequate' to Myers, he should add that Sidgwick wishes to work on his book as he intends to bring it out after all.

Asks Myers to convey his thanks to Lady Monteagle for her kind invitation. Explains that he could not get away on Saturday as 'SC is coming up to discuss academic organisation with [him]'. [Note in Myers' hand explains that this is a reference to 'Sidney Colvin a critic']. Claims that he feels moved to criticise Herbert Spencer somewhat severely, and is 'in fear and trembling' lest he does so ignorantly.