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Add. MS c/99/56 · Item · [13] Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Declares that he is very glad to have received the news of the birth [of his niece]. Reports that Arthur is gone down to Rugby that day. Informs her that Whitkirk was given away that day - 'not to Longsdon. A late scholar of much desert [George Moreton Platt] had applied.' Regrets that the family arrangement will fall through. States that he has read his uncle [Christopher]'s pamphlet, which seemed to him 'not deficient in interest or ability'. Does not accept his uncle's assumption of the accuracy of the hints of physical science and ancient history found in Genesis. Relates that he saw that day the Trinity College seal affixed to a legal document for the first time, and had the document read to him. Mentions that he had the pleasure of congratulating Kitchener that day, who tells him that ' "the betting is on Burrows" for Charterhouse.' Refers to an account of 'poor Frederic [F]aber' in the Saturday Review. Undertakes to send Macmillan. Declares that the ' "Competition Wallah" is good this time.' Sends his love to Minnie and Edward, and hopes that the 'house' question will get agreeably settled.

Add. MS c/99/22 · Item · [16 Feb 1863]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Gratefully acknowledges receipt of her long letter [101/157]. Regrets to hear that his uncle Christopher [Sidgwick?] is going to law. In relation to ' "Colenso" ', does not expect his uncle 'to be converted to more liberal views at his time of life.' Believes that a crisis is coming on again in the Church of England, 'much like that of the Tractarians.' Discusses Colenso's book [The Pentateuch and Book of Joshua Critically Examined] in relation to the impending crisis. Regrets that no one has reviewed Miss [Anne] Brown's book. Wishes to cut his connection with the press, as it interferes with his study and does not improve his style. Declares that 'the Problems [in Human Nature' is not the kind of book he would like to write about. Undertakes to send Miss Brown 'Coventry [Patmore]'.

Confirms that he has read the Chronicles of Carlingford by Margaret Oliphant, part of which he compares with George Eliot, 'and one cannot give it higher praise, but the melodramatic element a little spoils it'. Wishes to hear his mother's views 'about Hymen [god of marriage] and the facilities for serving them', and asks if she thinks women are annoyed by the social restraints as much as men, since 'it does not appear in their books.' Says that he would like the American freedom, but doesn't suppose that she would. Discusses relations between men and women in America, compared to those in England. Declares that he is much obliged for Miss Brown's 'good opinion of [his] humble efforts'.

Add. MS c/101/184 · Item · 20 Sep 1869
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports on her and William's movements over the previous few weeks; their visit to Pattendale, where Henry's Uncle Robert had been, their journey by carriage to Penrith and to Skipton. She went on to Stone Gappe [home of her brother in law Francis Lace], while William went to the Raikes [Robert Sidgwick's home]. On 13 September she journeyed by carriage to Threshfield, on her way to [Arncliffe], where she was met by Mr Boyd's carriage, and found 'all the young Boyds assembled along with Mr Boyd's wife. Claims to have felt that the welcome afforded to her there was 'less hearty than of old' because of her Rugbean connections, and reports that she heard strong condemnation of Dr Temple.

Adds that Henry's Uncle Robert begged her to say that Henry's welcome there 'will be cordial as it ever was.' States that she did not speak to his Uncle Lace of either his or Arthur's resignation of their Fellowships, in order to avoid discussion of the matter. Relates that from Arncliffe she went to the Raikes for three days, and the previous Saturday came to Rugby. Announces that she goes to Leeds the following day for one night.

Reports that William believes that his Lake trip did his health a lot of good, and that he will be at Rugby by the end of the week. Adds that Arthur 'had a most prosperous voyage from Norway, and that his whole trip was a great success. Reports that Edward, Minnie and the children were a month at Whitby, and stayed at the Bishop. of Lincoln's 'for some days' on their way home. Claims to have had 'a good half day at Bolton'. Reports on Henry's Uncle Christopher's illness, and subsequent recovery, and relates that she saw him the previous Friday, 'looking ill and emaciated, but full of jokes as usual, and when grave, he talked of his favourite Millennial Theories just as he used to do....' Asks Henry what he thinks the difference between a ' "spiritual body" ' and a ' "natural body" ' is, and explains that the question refers to a biblical passage.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/174 · Item · 14 May 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Asks Henry, on behalf of Miss Clough, for his opinion of 'a Mr. James Stuart as to his qualifications for a Lecturer on Historical, literary and scientific subjects', adding that he was mentioned to Miss Clough by Mrs George Butler. Reports on the weather, and to Henry's hay-fever. Says that Arthur is well, and that he enjoyed his Yorkshire visits, where he saw Uncle Robert and Uncle Christopher; he was in Bolton on a lovely day, and was 'charmed with it', and went to Leeds also. Arthur saw Wordsworth Donisthorpe at his father's house, and 'thought him pleasant and clever.'

Thanks Henry for his letter, and refers to his reflections on bachelor life therein. Claims that she would like to have one of Mrs Paul's books some day. Announces that is has just been settled 'at a Master's meeting that a Tercentenary meeting and dinner of Old Rugbeians is to be held at the Town Hall on the 20th June, and that the Speech day is to coincide with it....' Asks Henry if he will come. Reports that Mrs Jex Blake has a seventh daughter [Bertha], and that Mrs [ ] has a daughter also.

Add. MS c/101/159 · Item · 9 Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims that her daily expectations of some arrival [a new baby for Minnie and Edward Benson] at Wellington College have been disappointed. Reports that Minnie is very well. Relates that Mrs Donne has borne her sorrow [at the death of her husband. a master at Wellington College] 'with wonderful calmness', and that Minnie will miss her.

Sends Henry a Tract, which his Uncle Chris [Sidgwick] has recently published at Skipton [not included], and wishes to have his comments on it. Reports on his Aunt M[ary] J[ane]'s opinions of it. Fears that Henry's Aunt Lace is to suffer a long and continued illness. Reports that 'Miss [Mary?] Cannan cannot get on at all with Mrs. C[ongreve] and goes at Xmas', and fears that 'they will not meet with any good governess who will bear such treatment and interference.' Adds that Dora C[ongreve] is 'dangerously ill in rheumatic fever', and Doctor Evans was sent for the previous day. Refers to an earthquake, and claims that it was felt in Rugby by Mr Waterfield and Edward Rhoades. Reports that she heard from Mr Scott that Mrs Scott is a little better.

Announces that his Uncle Robert [Sidgwick] and Alfred will meet William at the Sidgwick house at Rugby on the following Tuesday 'to be in readiness for the scholarship examination', which Mr Powles thinks will do Alfred good. Remarks that Edward seems busier than ever, and states that the house is not begun and will not be unless he can get a lower estimate of its cost.

Reports that Annie Brown has settled herself at Lamberhurst Rectory, Hurst Green for the winter to write, but that she has been ill. Adds that she referred to the review, with which Henry had tried to help her. Reports that the 'young nephew who was ill, is dead', and that Lucy Brown has taken 'the young boy of 12 to Lytham to live with her in Lodgings whilst he goes to school.'

Refers a lecture on the previous Wednesday at Wokingham, given to the Mechanical Institute by Mr [Kingsley], with Mr [Walton] in the chair, and announced that Edward is to give one on self-education after Christmas. Asks how he thinks Arthur is looking, and tells him to show the latter their Uncle Chris' tract. Reports that William believes that Edward Lace would 'pass respectably'. [Incomplete]

Sedgwick, Margaret Isabella (d 1911) daughter of John Sedgwick
Add. MS c/101/149 · Item · 29 Aug 1860
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports again on the birth of a son to Minnie and Edward. Explains that the latter had gone to preach to Mr C[ ]'s at [Denbies] to preach at his church that day. Reports that Minnie is well, and that the baby is in good health. In relation to his name states that 'Martin', 'Edward White' and 'Arthur' have been suggested. Reports that the previous Saturday Edward went to spend some time with Mr Bradley at Marlborough, and then went to Tong, where he intended to spend the night with Emmeline [Woodhouse, his sister], and then on to Nab Cottage. Is of the opinion that Edward needed a break from Wellington College and all its attendant problems.

States that the following week Arthur, Trevelyan, Lee [Warner?], St[ ] and others accompany Mr Lightfoot and Edward to W[ast ]water 'en knapsack, weather permitting...' Adds that he must be home before 14 September when the College opens. Reports that Arthur has not been well, and has been suffering from his circulation. Announces that a trip to the Tyrol is not to go ahead, and that Trevelyan is going with him to Scarborough when their 'Lake Expedition' is over. Reports that she has not heard from William since she received a letter dated 16 August from Vienna, after which they were going to Innsbruck, and then on to Florence. Reports that she received a letter from Ada [Benson], who 'seems to be making progress'. She had been dining with Mr and Mrs Sergent, and the former's sister. Had hoped that Henry would come to Dresden.

Hears from Mrs S[ ] that a new master is soon to be appointed at Rugby. Relates that some days ago Edward received a letter 'from the author of [Other]Footsteps on the boundaries [of another world etc etc. - enclosing an account of the dreams connected with the Italian boy', which she believes Mr Eagles told them some years previously. States that 'Mr Owen has heard these dreams as connected with the family of a Mr. Benson - formerly a "Teacher at Rugby" and so writes to ascertain the truth'. Asks if Henry can help. Informs him that a bill came for him from Warwick's some days previously, and asks him what she should do about it. Reports that his uncle Christopher [Sidgwick?] was at Wellington College a fortnight previously, that the Raikes [party?: ie Robert Sidgwick and family] have been at Whitby, and also that the Riddlesden [home of John Sidgwick] ladies are going there.

Relates that Henry Longsdon and his family 'have been living for some weeks at a clerical hotel in London', and are travelling in Derbyshire, and that Fanny [Henry Sidgwick's cousin] goes home soon and will stay at Seacroft until Henry decides whether he will take the [ ] Secretaryship. Reports that William Lace [another cousin] and his family are at Stone Gappe, and that 'he is soon going to attend a social science meeting in Scotland'. States that her friends at Rugby keep looking for a house for her. Asks about Henry's progress with German.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick