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Add. MS c/99/56 · Item · [13] Oct 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Declares that he is very glad to have received the news of the birth [of his niece]. Reports that Arthur is gone down to Rugby that day. Informs her that Whitkirk was given away that day - 'not to Longsdon. A late scholar of much desert [George Moreton Platt] had applied.' Regrets that the family arrangement will fall through. States that he has read his uncle [Christopher]'s pamphlet, which seemed to him 'not deficient in interest or ability'. Does not accept his uncle's assumption of the accuracy of the hints of physical science and ancient history found in Genesis. Relates that he saw that day the Trinity College seal affixed to a legal document for the first time, and had the document read to him. Mentions that he had the pleasure of congratulating Kitchener that day, who tells him that ' "the betting is on Burrows" for Charterhouse.' Refers to an account of 'poor Frederic [F]aber' in the Saturday Review. Undertakes to send Macmillan. Declares that the ' "Competition Wallah" is good this time.' Sends his love to Minnie and Edward, and hopes that the 'house' question will get agreeably settled.

Add. MS c/101/158 · Item · 30 June 1863
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports on the wedding of Meta [Moultrie] in Rugby, to which she and Minnie were invited. Describes the church and church-yard, and the appearance of the bride. Remarks that the bride-groom told 'some very vulgar jokes when he had to make a speech'; one of the bridesmaids, Christabel Coleridge, came to stay with her and Minnie.

Reports on the school concert, referring to Mr Mayor and Mr Walker, and on the speech day. Refers to the comings and goings of Minnie, William and Arthur, and reports that the latter is in London with his friend Laurance, and probably goes to Wellington College that week. Adds that two college friends of William - Mr Harcourt and Mr Epson - spent the previous Sunday with them. Announces that the following day William goes to Wells to see William Lace, and that both he and Arthur are expected back in Rugby soon, after which Arthur will go to Clifton to examine, and then on to Germany, and William will go to the sea with his Uncle Robert's family. She herself expects some of the Bedford family [of her brother William Crofts] in Rugby in August if they can come.

Tells Henry to let her know when he would like to come; suggests the following week, when Eleanor [Benson?] will be there. Announces that she will go to Wellington College at the end of September. Is glad that he is well, but advises him to be careful about eating if he cannot take much exercise. Presumes that 'Whitkirk must be given away', and guesses that it was given to H. Longsd[on]. Reports that 'Bolton Abbey is bestowed upon a Mr. Robinson who had to do with a training school at York, and who is a friend of Mr. Cooper's of E[ ].' States that H. Longsd[on] 'has just got another son...', and reports that William has persuaded Henry's Uncle Lace to let Edward read with a tutor of William's choice before his matriculation. States that they have not yet heard of a house, but that she has first refusal on Mrs Leicester's, if the latter should leave it. Explains that it used to be inhabited by Mr. [T.] Evans.

Hopes to get Edward and Minnie to Rugby for a week 'as the Queen has lengthened their holidays just by that time....' Asks him to recommend a periodical which would give 'the best reviews of books, + treats of upon subjects within the range of a woman's capactity.' Explains that she wants to lend such a publication to Lucy Brown, who has limited access to books. States that the latter has undertaken to take into her home an orphan niece, and has been obliged to set up a small school. Adds that the Brown's brother-in-law , Mr [Henry Dampier] Phelps, has recently died and Lucy must now find a new home for his wife's five orphan nieces. Remarks that Annie Brown 'has mistaken her vocation in attempting a novel'.

Add. MS c/101/149 · Item · 29 Aug 1860
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports again on the birth of a son to Minnie and Edward. Explains that the latter had gone to preach to Mr C[ ]'s at [Denbies] to preach at his church that day. Reports that Minnie is well, and that the baby is in good health. In relation to his name states that 'Martin', 'Edward White' and 'Arthur' have been suggested. Reports that the previous Saturday Edward went to spend some time with Mr Bradley at Marlborough, and then went to Tong, where he intended to spend the night with Emmeline [Woodhouse, his sister], and then on to Nab Cottage. Is of the opinion that Edward needed a break from Wellington College and all its attendant problems.

States that the following week Arthur, Trevelyan, Lee [Warner?], St[ ] and others accompany Mr Lightfoot and Edward to W[ast ]water 'en knapsack, weather permitting...' Adds that he must be home before 14 September when the College opens. Reports that Arthur has not been well, and has been suffering from his circulation. Announces that a trip to the Tyrol is not to go ahead, and that Trevelyan is going with him to Scarborough when their 'Lake Expedition' is over. Reports that she has not heard from William since she received a letter dated 16 August from Vienna, after which they were going to Innsbruck, and then on to Florence. Reports that she received a letter from Ada [Benson], who 'seems to be making progress'. She had been dining with Mr and Mrs Sergent, and the former's sister. Had hoped that Henry would come to Dresden.

Hears from Mrs S[ ] that a new master is soon to be appointed at Rugby. Relates that some days ago Edward received a letter 'from the author of [Other]Footsteps on the boundaries [of another world etc etc. - enclosing an account of the dreams connected with the Italian boy', which she believes Mr Eagles told them some years previously. States that 'Mr Owen has heard these dreams as connected with the family of a Mr. Benson - formerly a "Teacher at Rugby" and so writes to ascertain the truth'. Asks if Henry can help. Informs him that a bill came for him from Warwick's some days previously, and asks him what she should do about it. Reports that his uncle Christopher [Sidgwick?] was at Wellington College a fortnight previously, that the Raikes [party?: ie Robert Sidgwick and family] have been at Whitby, and also that the Riddlesden [home of John Sidgwick] ladies are going there.

Relates that Henry Longsdon and his family 'have been living for some weeks at a clerical hotel in London', and are travelling in Derbyshire, and that Fanny [Henry Sidgwick's cousin] goes home soon and will stay at Seacroft until Henry decides whether he will take the [ ] Secretaryship. Reports that William Lace [another cousin] and his family are at Stone Gappe, and that 'he is soon going to attend a social science meeting in Scotland'. States that her friends at Rugby keep looking for a house for her. Asks about Henry's progress with German.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick