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Add. MS c/99/21 · Item · [5 Feb 1863]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that he has been in Cambridge for a few days, but has not yet begun to work. Arthur is 'quite satisfied' with his degree, but many are disappointed. Enjoyed his visit to Oxford and declares that William's rooms are 'magnificent'. Conington introduced him 'to one of the "stars" of Oxford - Professor Henry Smith', who is 'a wonderful converser'. Saw Mr Martin that morning, who was looking very ill, and '[George or John?] Paget gives a bad account of him.'

Glad to hear about Katie Lace [his cousin, engaged to be married to the Rev. J. D. Wawn]. Remarks that the clergy of the Church of England 'generally perform their duty to Society in the way of matrimony if in no other way.' Announces that he begins lecturing the following day, and that there are 'piles of portmanteaus at the Porter's lodge just now.' Says that he has been reading 'A Woman's Thoughts about Women [by Dinah Mulock]', and that it seems to him 'more practical and vigorous tho' less refined than Miss [Anne] Browns books.' Asks if he left a racquet at Rugby.

Add. MS c/101/166 · Item · 22 May 1865
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that Arthur is recovering well from his eye injury, and that only a certain weakness remains. States that he has been out once as far as Bilton, and that Dr Sharp says that he may go into the school about the middle of the week. States that Henry's Aunt Henrietta is still at Rugby, and that they go to London together on 2 or 3 June, and then she will go on to Wellington College, while Henrietta goes to Brighton. Announces that Katie and her husband Mr Wawn are coming to Rugby from Derbyshire on the following Friday, to stay until 30 May, when they will go to Cheltenham.

Reports that Henry's cousin Algernon Lace sailed for British Caffraria [the Cape Colony/South Africa] the previous week, and that there has been no further report of his sick Aunt Lace. Neither has there been 'news of any importance from C[raven]', apart from the fact that Henry's Uncle Robert 'is going in conjunction with John Davy to take Uncle James' share of the business', as the latter is retiring due to illness.

Reports that the question of the Foundation at Rugby is being 'hotly discussed', and that the previous Friday Dr Temple went up to give his report to the Select Committee. Refers to the fact that Henry's cousin W.C. Crofts of Bedford has obtained a scholarship at Brasenose of £74 per annum for four years, and remarks that the college is less expensive than Merton. Asks Henry how he finds his gold pen, and asks him to recommend a good new novel. She wants some books to read to Minnie whilst she is in her room.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/164 · Item · 30 Mar 1865
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Passes on a request from his Aunt Sidgwick [Sarah Hannah or Mary Jane?] to make the acquaintance of a young man called Brayshaw who goes to St. John's College. Explains that she [Mary Sidgwick] knew his father [now dead] in former days, and that his widow and three daughters live near Riddlesden. Refers to the fact that Arthur is to visit on the following Saturday, and asks Sidgwick to send her word when he is intending to go to Rugby and for how long. Asks where he intends to go in Yorkshire. Announces that Katie Lace and Mr Wawn are to be married on 27 April, and are to honeymoon in Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Cheltenham. Remarks that neither she nor Henry's Aunt are asked to the wedding. Reports that she has had Miss Brown (Lucy's eldest sister) staying at Rugby for three weeks. The latter's sister Annie has written another book, whose publisher, Longman, thinks will sell. Fears that the book, Wanted: a Home will not be a success.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick
Add. MS c/101/156 · Item · 23 [Jan] [1863]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Admits that she could not resist opening Arthur's letter to Henry to see if there was one for her also, and, finding none, read it. Hopes that the '[Sen: Op.]' will come after all, and reports that the packet came the previous day. Reports that Edward left them that morning for L[ ], where he had to see a dentist, and hopes to reach Wellington College that evening. Refers to Mr Martin also. Reports that Minnie and the children hope to go home the following day if they hear from Mr Barford that the measles is no longer a threat. Announces that Elizabeth returns to her in about a month. Adds that William will tell Henry 'that Katie Lace is engaged to Mr Wawn!' Doubt that the Cononley curacy 'can possible keep 2 people.'

Reports that Henry's Aunt Henrietta came [to Rugby] the previous night, and will stay a few days before going on to Leeds. Urges Henry to come to visit her at Easter. Reports that Mr Conington sent her Deerbrook, [by Harriet Martineau] which she intends to read at the first opportunity.

Additional note: Sends 'the enclosed [her letter to Henry, above, and letter from Arthur to Henry - not included] with most frantic apologies.' Reports that she did two problems that morning , which has made her feel better.

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick