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Add. MS c/101/177 · Item · 31 Oct 1867
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Claims that her days are busier as she has 'these two dear boys [Martin and Arthur Benson] still' with her, and they have 'small lessons daily.' Reports that Minnie is much better, and gives a description of her daily activities. Complains that William has not written to her since he was at Wellington College early in August. Reports that Arthur has written, and determines to go and see William if Arthur's letter brings no answer.

Is unsure as to whether she has written to Henry since returning from Leeds, and refers to 'that sorrow' [of her sister-in-law Ellen Croft's death]. States that Henry's Aunt Henrietta 'is with them now', and thinks that her present is a great comfort to his Uncle John and the children. Relates that a lady is being sought to take charge of his household, and that she has heard of 'an admirable Swiss Lady, with more than all the requisite qualifications....' Reports that William Crofts returns to Merton on the following Friday or Saturday, that Ernest will stay with his father until Christmas, and that Arthur is to live at home and 'go to business at once'.

Reports that Minnie has Miss Edwardes- 'a younger companion - staying with her. States that they have been expecting Dr Goulburn to preach for the Fox Memorial Sermon at Rugby the following day, but that he had a accident and is now confined to bed, and that Dr Temple has asked Edward instead. Reports that she has just had to send a very unfavourable report of Alfred Sidgwick's health to the Raikes, and his mother is to arrive that day. Relates that Mr Helm thinks he should go to some warm place for the winter. Expresses the wish that Henry might come to Rugby for a Sunday during term time. Adds that Trevelyan arrived at Rugby the day she came from Leeds and stayed nearly a week there. [Incomplete.]

Sidgwick, Mary (d 1879), mother of Henry Sidgwick