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Papers of E. H. Neville
NEVL · Fonds · 1912-1964

These papers consist primarily of writings by E. H. Neville which are accompanied by a small amount of correspondence, and a box of offprints of articles by and about Neville. Some of the writings are identified, but many are not, and it is not clear if the unidentified writings are lecture notes or drafts of one or more books for publication. These unidentified writings tend to be fair copies, with few alterations. Correspondents include W. W. Rouse Ball, W. E. H. Berwick, A. R. [Forsyth?], E. G. Gallop, Amy Herman, R. A. Herman, J. Jackson, J. E. Littlewood (about G. H. Hardy), and W. F. Sheppard.

Neville, Eric Harold (1889-1961), mathematician and educationist
Papers of L. S. Bosanquet
BOSA · Fonds · 1938-1983

The collection consists primarily of a long series of research notebooks beginning in 1938 and running through to the early 1970s. Additionally, there are some student notes and notes of G. H. Hardy's lectures, which complement those of Bosanquet's brother-in-law E. H. Linfoot.

Bosanquet, Lancelot Stephen (1903-1984), mathematician
TRER/11/96 · Item · 17 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Glad that the Hardys [G. H. Hardy and his sister?] have arrived. Caroline mentioned La Croiz to the Arthur Elliots, as they are going to the Riviera at Easter, but could not tell them whether there were 'good drives' which is important as he is 'very lame'. The last days before [George and Janet's] wedding are most exciting; the Wards are 'wonderfully energetic' and their arrangements go well. Went to see the presents yesterday; there seemed to be almost as many as C[harles] and M[ary] had, though there were fewer presentations and large things. Janet had 'some very nice offerings from her girls, & many servants & poor people'; lots of books, silver, cheques; Janet's trousseau was 'nice and useful'. Hopes the weather at Oxford will be good. Caroline, Sir George and Booa [Mary Prestwich] are going down before the special train to be at the registry. She and Sir George have not been well; thinks Sir George was doing too much, so he is resting. The Duke of Cambridge has died, so there will be no question of going to Court tomorrow; is glad as it 'seemed so inappropriate'. Has a note from [Bramine Hubrecht at] Taormina saying that the things have been sent; hopes they will arrive soon. Hopes the concert went well. The H[enry] Y[ates] T[hompson]s 'would be sorry not to be able to stop'. They [the Liberals] have won another [by] election, and 'the Gov[ernment] are in a poor way'.

TRER/11/95 · Item · 10 Mar 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

8, Grosvenor Crescent. - Has been unwell and 'laid up', but is now better. [George and Janet's] wedding seems very near; wishes Elizabeth and Robert could be there. George is busy going over his book ["England Under The Stuarts"] with [Charles] Oman, and she thinks all but the last chapter will be finished before the wedding; he is taking a few days in the country from tomorrow. Charlie was 'triumphantly returned' for the North[umberland] C[ounty] C[ouncil] but looks tired; worries about him taking on more work. Mary looks very happy. Glad Elizabeth saw her 'pretty friend [sic] Mrs Salamon' [Jeanne Salamonson Asser] and had some music; Robert also writes that the Hardys [G. H. Hardy and his sister?] have come. Hopes Elizabeth gets to visit the Netherlands before returning to England. Looking forward to getting the things from Madame Grandmont [Bramine Hubrecht]; hopes there is a good reason for their sale at Taormina. Elizabeth must come to stay at Welcombe while Robert goes to his friends [G E Moore's reading party] if they are back in England by then. Sir George is reading newspapers each morning at the British Museum, which 'he hates doing'; he will finish this week. Booa [Mary Prestwich] is 'very beaming over George', and all [wedding] arrangements are going well.

TRER/46/89 · Item · 22 Feb 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel, La Croix, par Gassin (Var) :- Has not yet answered her last letter, having written to his father instead; is glad to hear from her letter to Bessie which arrived today that he, George, and Charles are well. His mother's account of North Street [Charles and Molly's new marital home] much 'interested and amused' them. Hopes all will go well at Oxford [for George and Janet's wedding]; wonders if George will wear a frock coat, but supposes not 'as he will not wear a topper presumably'.

He and Bessie are both well and 'enjoying very fine weather'; he is getting on all right with his work, finishing a play he began last year but put aside having 'got into difficulties'. Now he thinks he knows 'how it should go'. Is going to review Sturge Moore's poems for George, but not until he leaves here, as time spent on his own work here is too valuable; nevertheless, has promised George he will have it ready for the May number [of the Independent Review]. Bessie is getting on 'slowly' with her translation, but it is 'very difficult work, and can't be done quickly'. They have just heard from Mrs Cacciola, who asks several questions which Robert cannot answer: about '"Andrew Johnstone (Charlotte's husband)"', and whether '"Mr Frank Snowball... is a man as honourable and capable in business as his father Joseph Snowball was"' - he was apparently a '"highly esteemed friend"' of Mrs Cacciola's mother. Robert thought his mother would probably know these people, but that as he does not know why Mrs Cacciola is making these enquiries, his turning to her 'had better been in confidence', since Mrs Cacciola could always have asked her directly. In the mean time is writing that he does not know but will find out; since Mrs Cacciola 'has so few friends in England' he feels he should do so.

Asks his mother to thank his father for her letter, and tell him Robert will write soon. Hopes the 'literary dinner went off well'. Bessie will write soon; they both send love. Decisions about their house are now 'more or less settled', though the 'road question' is still not yet quite agreed; expects they may need to spend something on it themselves 'if no one else will, possibly one or two hundred pounds'. They are leaving it to their solicitors to settle. Their friends the Hardys [G H Hardy and his sister?] have not yet come, which is a disappointment.

Chowla, S.
DAVT/G/64-66 · Item · 1933–60, n.d.
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

The surviving correspondence is sporadic and does not include any of Davenport's replies.

G.64: 1933-34, nd. Includes testimonials for Chowla from J. E. Littlewood and G. H. Hardy. Letter of 16 February 1933 has a ms. note 'Chowla to Walfisz' (see G.335). Some of the undated material may be from Chowla's earlier period at Cambridge.
G.65: 1947-49. The surviving correspondence is sporadic and does not include any of Davenport's replies.
G.66: 1958–60. The surviving correspondence is sporadic and does not include any of Davenport's replies. Mainly re collaborative paper (Bibliog. 124), 1962, 1963.

TRER/47/40 · Item · 29 Jan 1913
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Calcutta (on headed notepaper of the Hindusthan Co-operative Insurance Company Ltd. - Very kind of Trevelyan to remember about the introduction to [G. H.?] Hardy in the middle of his travels. Is not yet sure of his programme, but will probably be in England by the middle of April, and stay for at least a month, so if nothing prevents him from making the journey he will 'look forward to the pleasure of seeing you again in your home'. Sends best wishes to Goldsworthy Lowes Dickinson.

BUTJ/M/5/1/31 · Item · 2 Aug 1914
Part of Papers of Sir James Butler (J. R. M. Butler)

Encourages him to make for Switzerland, it would be scandalous if the country went to war to increase Russian influence in the Balkans, Winstanley and Bertrand Russell campaigning against war, Trinity High Table cricket team (G H Hardy not in good form) WEA social gathering.

FRAZ/1/28 · Item · 28 Dec. 1919
Part of Papers of Sir James Frazer

Hotel Lutetia, Paris - Refers to Lilly's recovery from illness; his distaste for [Godfrey Harold] Hardy, then leaving for Cambridge for Oxford; discusses Darwin's theories, having just read 'The Origin of Species'; has also read Einstein's explanation of his theories in an article and finds his arguments 'cloudy and confused'.

Pólya, G and Pólya, S.
DAVT/G/248-251 · Item · 1947–51
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

G.248: 1947-48
G.249: 1949. Includes letter (7 May) from A.E. Ingham re G.H. Hardy.
G.250: 1950-51. Includes (November 1950) reference to Davenport's decision not to accept permanent post at Stanford.
G.251: Various dates, shorter exchanges.

Mordell, L. J.
DAVT/G/208-232 · Item · 1927–68
Part of Papers of Harold Davenport

The later correspondence (from about 1944, when Christian names began to be used) provides interesting general information on the mathematical scene as well as continuing exchanges on research problems and papers. There are also occasional contributions from Mabel Mordell.

G.208: 1927-29. 1927 (re award of Derby Scholarship to assist Davenport at Trinity), 1929 (suggestions for reading and research; Mordell sent his draft papers to the young Davenport for comment).
G.209: 1930. Letter of 27 November suggests Davenport should take up the 'splendid opportunity' to go to Marburg to work with and teach English to Hasse.
G.210: 1931. Research and publications, mainly on congruences.
G.211: 1932-33
G.212: 1934-35
G.213: 1936, 1938, 1939
G.214 :1942, 1943, 1944
G.215: 1945-46
G.216: 1947-48. 1947 includes comments on Bibliog. 56
G.217: 1949 (not all dated). Some refer to death and obituaries of G.H. Hardy.
G.218: 1950
G.219: 1951
G.220: 1952
G.221: 1953
G.222: 1954
G.223: 1955
G.224: 1956
G.225: 1957
G.226: 1958
G.227: 1959
G.228: 1960-61. 1961 includes draft paper by Mordell 'On a Pellian Equation Conjecture', and a 2pp. untitled ms. note by Davenport.
G.229: 1962
G.230: 1963-64. Includes draft paper by Mordell
G.231: 1965
G.232: 1967-68

Add. MS b/189 · Item · 1925-1928
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of twelve notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made while at Oxford 1924-1928, under G. H. Hardy and Abram Besicovitch, and catalogued as Add.Ms.b.179-190. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer
Add. MS b/188 · Item · 1926
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of twelve notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made while at Oxford 1924-1928, under G. H. Hardy and Abram Besicovitch, and catalogued as Add.Ms.b.179-190. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer
Add. MS b/187 · Item · [c 1924-1928]
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of twelve notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made while at Oxford 1924-1928, under G. H. Hardy and Abram Besicovitch, and catalogued as Add.Ms.b.179-190. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer
Add. MS b/185 · Item · 1925
Part of Additional Manuscripts b

One of twelve notebooks kept by E. H. Linfoot containing notes made while at Oxford 1924-1928, under G. H. Hardy and Abram Besicovitch, and catalogued as Add.Ms.b.179-190. The other papers in this collection are described in the record for the first item in the collection, Add.Ms.b.179.

Linfoot, Edward Hubert (1905-1982) astronomer