[On mourning paper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S. W.]:- They had their Homer paper this morning; thinks he 'did a pretty good one', and that he will not come out low in the form. Mr [Frederic?] Myers gave a lecture about Nelson in 'speecher' yesterday evening; does 'not think it was a success, though some of it was rather interesting'. Asked Bowen if there would be a holiday on Thursday, but he said it would be on Saturday.
Went to 'tea with Glazer [Mr Glazebrook] on Sunday'; he 'talked a great deal about Darwin' and was interesting. [Nugent] Hicks is doing very well and 'comes out top of Shipper's'. The boy who beat Robert last fortnight [in the marks] was [Frank Staverton?] Beeching; Robert does not think he will do so again. Is glad his father has 'refused to stand for Brighton [in the General Election?]', as he supposes he would not get in.