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TRER/45/137 · Item · [November? 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - Is sorry she 'had so rough a passage'. Got his 'grub all right'. Glad to hear that '[Frank] Holl's picture of Papa is such a success' and would very much like to see it. Charlie 'seems all right now' [after his illness]; Robert 'went a walk with him instead of footer' last Thursday, towards Pinner. [Henry Morton?] Stanley gave a lecture last Wednesday evening; he was 'very interesting' and Robert thinks it was a 'great success'. 'Bozy [Bosworth Smith?] brought in a king and queen from somewhere about Sierra Leone, which caused great amusement'. He 'went into chapel the next morning... in a cap rather like a Bozyite fez'.

Went down [to London] with Charlie to see the Old Harrovians' match against the Old Westminster boys; both played well but Harrow lost [in the first round of the F.A. Cup?]. Lionel Holland came down amongst 'the old boys from Vanity's house'; Robert didn't see him for long. Mr [J. W.?] Cunningham has had Robert and Charlie to tea this evening; they sometimes see the Stevens, whom Miss Martin used to teach, there. He and Charlie are both 'getting on very well'.

TRER/45/138 · Item · [Nov/Dec? 1886]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland]: - Was 4th this fortnight; thinks Charlie was 11th. Expects she has heard that Charlie got his fez 'at a second eleven [match]; Davison got his at the same time. Thinks Charlie 'quite deserved it', as he would 'certainly have got it if he had played in the match' [but was recovering from illness so could not]. Went to tea with Houson the Sunday before last, and with [Main Swete?] Walrond, 'a Weldonite in the sixth form', this Sunday; Hicks, who is in Walrond's house, was also there. Walrond is 'very nice indeed' and they had 'great fun'. Is going to tea with Glazer [M. G. Glazebrook?] next Sunday which will be the fourth one in a row he has been out to tea since he went to [J.W.?] Cunningham before.

They are soon going to have a 'trial on Pope's Iliad; this 'counts into the fortnight' and makes a great difference to the marks, so he has 'read it up carefully' and found it 'very interesting'. Around four boys in his form 'have been caught cribbing'. There was a 'concert in speecher [the Speech Room]' last Friday by the band of the Coldstream Guards. Weldon's [house] beat Bozy's [Bosworth Smith's?] today 5-0. His own house 'nearly beat Weldon's' in their match, so they 'cannot be very bad this year'. Hopes his father is 'quite well'.

TRER/45/152 · Item · [1887?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On mourning paper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.]:- Thanks his mother for her letter and the autographs. Only came fourth [in his form] last fortnight; thinks this is mainly because he 'did a bad fair-copy-noter', since he was top both times in the marks. Is getting on well this fortnight, and is 'top by 20 marks during the first week's questions'. a 'good start'.

Had a drawing exercise yesterday evening, in which they had to illustrate the Homer for this term; Robert 'can not draw in the very least' so does not think his illustrations were a 'great success'. 'Bossy's form' is 'about the least unclassical in the school', since Bossy [Reginald Bosworth Smith?] 'cares so much about History and Geography and subjects of that sort', so things are 'rather more difficult' for Robert.

They [he and Charlie?] are 'going to tea again tonight with old [J. W.?] Cunningham' [see also 101/137]. Trials are 'coming on soon', so Robert will have to work hard. Hopes his father is well. Is writing to Mr Arnold today. Was very hot today; thinks they will have more hot weather soon.

TRER/45/169 · Item · [1886?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.]:- Was fifth again last Sunday; perhaps she has heard from Charlie's letter. The epigram has not yet been read out; thinks it will be tomorrow, as all the others were read out on Monday, but does not know whether his will be read out or not. Hopes his father is well. He himself is well, and has not had a cold or anything similar. Charlie came sixth in his form, 'which it is really higher than it seems' since at least three, if not five, of the boys above him are 'really in the upper sixth'. Charlie is competing in the second round of the reading prize this evening; does not know if he will get through or not. Is getting on very well with his own composition, which 'has to be shown up next Sunday week'.

It is very rainy today; the school match with the M[arylebone] C[ricket] C[lub] was not finished because of the weather. Thinks Charlie 'very nearly got his A in gymnastics'; will probably get it in a week or two. Robert has not yet 'gone in for [his] B'; does not think he will get it at once, but may do before the end of the term. Hopes Georgie is getting on all right and is well. Ducker [the swimming pool] opened today, but he will not go 'for some time'. [He and Charlie] went to tea with [J. W.?] Cunningham last Saturday.

TRER/45/172 · Item · [1886?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

[On headed notepaper for 8 Grosvenor Crescent, S.W.]:- Is 'so very sorry to hear about Grandpapa Trevelyan [his illness or death?], it is very sad indeed'. Thanks his mother for the hamper, which he and Blackwood greatly enjoyed. Thinks he and Charlie are getting on very well; they both went to tea with Mr [J. W.?] Cunningham, who Robert thinks has the house G. O. Trevelyan stayed in when he first went to Harrow. Mr Cunningham is old and 'very pleasant'.

Thinks there will be a rehearsal of the speech day tomorrow. It is 'very cold', and if the weather continues he thinks he will 'not go to ducker [the outdoor swimming pool]'. Has received a letter from Mr Arnold, who says they [Wixenford School] have won a match against Mortimer: the school seems to be 'getting better at games'. Hopes Georgie is well.