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Add. MS c/99/183 · Item · 26 Jun [1875]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Broadstairs]:- Reports that he is settled in the same house with Isabel; he arrived the previous Friday, and has secured rooms there until Saturday 3 July. Intends to go to London early on 5 July, and they are going to being a new series of experiments on 6 July. Will be in London until 20 July, and is considering paying one or two visits until about the middle of August, when he plans to settle down in Cambridge. Reports that [Broadstairs] 'seems very salubrious', and that Nevil [his nephew] appears to be in excellent health and spirits. Declares that Isabel is very kind and does her best to make him comfortable. Reports that his book has sold as well as [Alexander?] Macmillan had expected, and a second edition is being discussed. Reports that two-hundred and fifty copies have gone to the United States, and he sends her the enclosed card [not included] to prove that is fame is 'More Than European!'

Is at present 'in a lazy state working languidly at an article [he has] to write for a new journal on Philosophy [Mind]'. Intends to be relatively idle for a few months, and does not feel inclined to work on a new book just yet. Is glad that [his cousin] Anne's wedding went off well. Reports that his uncle Robert wrote to him to say that [his cousin] Chris was considering coming to Cambridge to study Moral Sciences, and asks if she has heard anything about this. Does not feel sure that it is a wise scheme. Supposes that he has been stimulated by Stephen Marshall's example, 'and perhaps thinks home will be dull without Annie'. Hopes that she has a good visit at Lincoln [to the Bensons]. Informs her that 'H P. goes back to London early on the 5th July' and tells her to write to him before that.