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Add. MS c/99/7 · Item · [8 Aug 1860]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that his delay in writing is due to the unsettled state of his plans. Reports that he has been staying in lodgings in Berlin for nearly a fortnight, and has to change his plans so that he will spend only a short time at the end of the Long [Vacation] travelling. Announces also that he has been obliged to separate from Patterson, who has to return to England earlier than he does. Admits that he has not studied much German as yet, but undertakes to work really hard at it when he goes to stay with a family. Professes to liking the town of Berlin very much, and to having great admiration for Germany. Does not believe that the Prussian policy or the real position of Prussia in Germany is generally understood in England.

Explains his delay in finding a family to live with as being due to two of the three professors to whom he had letters of introduction from E. W. Benson were away, and the third, Dr Wiese, was 'either too busy or unable to assist [him].' Professor H[errig], when he returned, found a residence and instructor for Henry for six weeks. He is lodging with a Dr Lüdde-Neurath, and undertakes to send the full address soon. Reports that he travelled to Berlin via Antwerp, Aix, Hanover and Magdeburg, and at the latter witnessed the ceremony of the Greater Relics and bought some commemorative medals. Remarks on the cathedral there, where he saw the relics. Reports that he had a bad bout of hayfever in Aix, and so chose to go to Hanover by night. Crossed the Rhine at Dusseldorf. Describes the new part of Hanover as 'a very nice town', and his visit to the palace where he saw the portraits of the Four Georges. Sends his love to Minnie and Edward.

Add. MS c/100/85 · Item · 2 Oct. [1860]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Reports that he is in 'a rustic inn in the Harz', and has been walking that day. Relates some of his experiences at 'a giant meeting of German "Philologues, Schoolmasters and Orientalists" ', which he attended in Brunswick with Professor Herrig. Reports having seen 'two or three celebrated men', including Ewald and Döderlein. Remarks on the 'universally good speaking in the discussions'. Claims, however, that the essays delivered were not very good, but that he heard 'a really splendid translation of Oedipus Tyrannus excellently read by the translator.' Remarks that German is a better language for translating Greek than English.

Claims to have enjoyed his stay in Berlin very much. Passes on greetings from Professor Herrig , the Director and Professor Ranke to Benson, and remarks on the kindness shown to him by Herrig. Comments on 'What a rum little old boy' Ranke is, and relays a story told by Ranke of being compared to Lord John Russell Refers to a portrait of the Director in the 'Berlin Exhibition of pictures'. Relates that he was present at three of four ' "Stunden" ' in his school, and remarks that politics and coffee at Stehely's [café]' 'formed a very pleasant item in the order of the day.'

Claims to be very slow in learning to speak German. Announces that he is now proceeding to the Rhine, where he intends to spend about ten days, after which he plans to return to England. Hopes to spend a night with Benson on his way to Cambridge to recount his experiences, 'and to see the young prince [his nephew].' Hopes that all is going on well. Presumes that Benson has begun work again, and hopes to hear a good account of the prospective chapel also. Concludes the letter at Göttingen, where he has been to pay a visit to Professor Benfey. The latter, he believes, has 'a European reputation in the Semitic languages.' Refers to the many erroneous notions current in England about the German universities of Göttingen, which he declares to be a dull town. Asks him to forward 'the enclosed' [not included].

Add. MS c/100/9 · Item · [late Aug? 1860]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Expresses his delight at the news of the birth of her son [Martin, born 19 August]. Asks her to tell their mother that he shall be grateful to her if she would pay that 'bill of Warwick' for him. Admits that he has been very careless about it. Reports that he saw Mr Dale a week previously, who latter preached at a service attended by Henry and 'gave the unhappy congregation a rest from the pretentious and insolent platitudes of [their] regular man...' Claims that Dale believed that the Princess Frederic William would be present at the service for the first time after her confinement. Reports that he gave him news of Ada [Benson], whom Henry is to see in about two weeks' time.

Announces that after going to Dresden he intends to visit Brunswick with Professor H[errig], who is to introduce him to a society of philologues. States that after that he shall go walking in the Harz and on the Rhine. Reports that he is learning German. Recommends 'Tieck's Novellen' if she wishes for 'an easy and delightful German book' to amuse herself with. Recounts his amusement at the depiction of an Englishman on the Berlin stage. Regrets to hear of Arthur's renewed illness, especially as he is spending the summer at the Lakes. Claims that he has no impulse to indulge in composition at the present, but recounts a humorous story involving a hero and heroine named Edwin and Angelina, who are in love, but for whom it is impossible to declare their feelings to one another. One day they sit down to play the '[ ] duet of Beethoven together', and the music has such an effect on them that they fall into each other's arms, in which position they are found by [her] father. Claims that the foregoing 'is literally founded on fact', and is reserved in his notebook. Sends his love to his mother.

Add. MS c/99/9 · Item · 23 Sept 1860
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

[Sent from Dresden]:- Reports that he has concluded his stay in Berlin. Declares that he shall return to Germany when he wants to 'learn humility and contentment'. Has 'dropped over to Dresden to see Ada [Benson] and renew [his] acquaintance with the town and pictures.' Reports that Ada seemed very well and happy, 'tho' decidedly thinner', and 'declared herself charmed with the town, with her studies, with the Hauptmann and his wife with whom she lives'. Reports that the previous day he saw Mr and Mrs Dale, whose baby is 'a fine solid little fellow'. On Tuesday he goes with Professor Herrig to a 'Versammlung of Philologs' at Brunswick.

Hopes that Minnie will soon be strong enough to write to him. Went to the theatre with Ada and her hosts 'to see the famous Emil Devrient act.' Explains that going to the theatre in Germany is 'one of the most approved methods of learning the spoken language'. Remarks that his mother has not told him of her plans for the winter, except that she does not see any chance of settling down until the spring. Does not suppose that she will stay at Wellington College until Christmas. Invites her to stay at lodgings in Cambridge for the autumn. Announces that he will not return to England until 'the 20th', as he wishes to do some travelling. Will be at Brunswick until 29 September, 'then in about a week at Frankfurt Am Main, then in about a week at Bonn.' Sends his love to Edward. Recounts a story about Lord John Russell in Berlin told to him by Professor Ranke. The latter is engaged in a work on English history, and 'spoke with great regret of Macaulay whom he admires excessively, tho' so opposed to him in opinion'.