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Add. MS c/103/77 · Item · 30 Oct [before 1878]
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Explains that his wife has had a headache all day, and would otherwise have written to Nora. States on her behalf that she fears that she cannot accept Nora' kind invitation for the following Saturday. Explains that they are to dine out on the Friday, and that 'she can almost never manage a dinner-party in two days running'. Offers to come without her, if Nora will accept him.

Add. MS c/100/168 · Item · 13 Jan. 1884
Part of Additional Manuscripts c

Refers to the Maines, and the fact that he had not yet asked them. States that he prefers to observe his general rule of not obtruding the Society for Psychical Research on his friends. Asks Myers to tell Mrs Tennant [Gertrude Tennant, Myers' mother in law?] that he cannot accept her kind invitation, as he has an engagement on Thursday evening.