[on mourning notepaper]:- Thanks his mother for her letter; is 'glad the government are not getting on well'. Asks which procession they are going to see. Is glad [Henry?] Harrison 'has got a seat'; wonders if they would be given a seat if one of them 'were to go and get put in prison'.
Would 'be glad of eatables at any time', as he has not had any for a while. Also asks for 'any white-waistcoat' of his to be sent, or for her to tell him if there are none so he can get some more. Today it is 'raining hard', and this seems likely to continue. His house match is next Tuesday; cannot yet tell whether they will win. Is glad she and his father 'liked [their time at?] Wallington so much'. Georgie came eighth [in his form], which is 'much better, and as high as can be expected'. Hopes Charlie is well. Not much is happening here.