Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, Nuclear Energy Secretariat, 2 Rue Andre-Pascal, Paris XVIe - Is almost finished on his book he is writing with Brian [Glanville]; a visit to Cannes; will be staying on at the Organisation but news is not yet public; discusses plans for the summer.
Organisation for European Economic Co-operation, (Nuclear Energy Secretariat), 2 Rue Andre-Pascal, Paris XVIe - Holiday in Vittel; coverage of Brian [Glanville?]'s novel; spent a week with Jim Mossman's editor C. R. Coote; hopes to hear from Peter that he is planning to visit.
European Nuclear Energy Agency, 38, Boulevard Suchet, Paris 16e – Is astonished that the public and critics appreciate Peter's genius, and is very happy for him; might be able to come see "Five Finger Exercise" in November; wants to see him; describes a visit to Vienna; Marcel Marceau has returned; hopes to see Peter at Christmas; Brian [Glanville?] has written another novel; hopes to see Richard [Mayne?] again.
18, Earls Terrace, London, W.8. - Has no money, no work, is about to start a novel, wonders why; discusses Brian [Glanville?]'s novel; is finishing TV version of "The Prodigal Father"; quotes Tony's reaction to holidaying in Sardinia (negative); Harry will be starring in "The Diary of Anna Frank" in the West End; goes to the lido with Jim [Mossman?], is having no holiday this year, must work.