The Mill House. - Continues the explanation of his sonnet from the last letter [9/116]; after jokingly describing the poem as 'terse, weighty, thrilling, magnificent, Dante-Baudelaire-Rossetti lines', he confesses that he does not think much of it, and wishes they [the "Speaker"] had published the translations they have returned. Is getting on 'fairly well' with the new plan of his play. Has only seen the Frys once since Sunday; he is 'very busy'. Is going to see Sanger in London on Monday before he starts [for Greece]. [George?] Moore has invited to join him, MacCarthy and another on their 'wonted Easter exhibition', this year to the Lizard in Cornwall; has been the last two years and liked it, but will decide nearer the time. Suggests that she might use the library as her study while he keeps the little room; noise does travel from the kitchen, but a baize or felt door would improve matters, and the Enticknaps are 'very quiet people'. Gussie is at school all day; he has in the past been 'a little noisy' in the evening, but is improving. Sophie has asked what books he would like [as a wedding present], suggesting an edition of Thackeray, or Browning (which he has); Thackeray would be good but perhaps he prefers Meredith. Has a Goethe and Heine; has read some "Faust" and means to do more; gets on quite well with a translation and dictionary, but very slowly.
The Mill House, Westcot, Dorking. - Sorry to hear about Bessie's cold; hopes it has now gone. Has discovered some 'wonderful woodland places in the valley... the woods here are quite endless'. Impatiently waiting for spring; is usually in Italy in February and March. She should read Flaubert's letters; he expresses several things Bob feels but is 'too lazy' or lacks the power to explain. Is having difficulty getting into the right frame of mind to work, but thinks he has made his play better by his alterations. Has been reading some Heine and [Goethe's] "Faust" in German, but cannot really spare enough time for it. Much interested in the 'domestic politics' Bessie mentions, and would like to meet some more of her half-sisters; expects he will when he comes to the Netherlands soon. Asks her to thank her uncle for his kind letter; would like to leave the question of the post-marriage celebrations to her and her father; is always 'rather afraid of formal speeches and ceremonies' but would not object if they wanted it. Wonders how she likes "Wuthering Heights"; for him 'crude as it is in some ways... it beats almost all English novels'. Is pleased that [Alfred] Enticknap has got a permanent place at a nearby house, though he will still be able to do some work for him and even the Frys, who say he is a 'firstclass gardener'.
The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Bessie should not mind her feeling [that a recent musical occasion would not have felt the same with Bob there]; he would not want her to be at [an Apostle's] Society discussion, as she would be 'a little out of her element', and he will likewise never be musically minded' however many concerts he go to; though he will want to 'know and try to sympathise with' her musical friends as she will 'to a far greater extent and more easily' with his friends. She is ''"Apostolic" in... intellect and Nature', though she cannot become a brother, whereas he could never be thought of as an 'Embryo' in music, however much trouble she took with him. However, does enjoy music, such as the Isaye [sic: Ysaÿe] concert last Monday, who played Schubert and Beethoven, and the song recital by [Blanche] Marchesi on Tuesday; she sang some melancholy songs by [Adolf] Jensen, and part of César Franck's "Ruth". Has been reading Heine's songs with a translation, and likes them, but not as much as those by Goethe, which seem as great, and in the same sort of way' as those by Shakespeare and Sappho. Mrs [Helen] Fry is still not well; has lent her 'lots of novels, which she reads very fast'; she sends Bessie her love. Still thinks the Lakes will be best for their honeymoon; asks advice on the trousers he should get for the wedding day. Lists some books he owns; Sophie [Wicksteed] is giving them a complete Carlyle; Bessie should keep any book that has meaning for her. The Insleys told him the correct spelling of his address was 'Westcot', but supposes he should follow modern fashion. Has read some more of the new poems [Thomas Sturge] Moore lent to Binyon; one 'about the dead Don Juan' is very original. Has not done much work recently; hopes to get the first two acts finished before going abroad. Is going to stay with the Holman Hunts before going to Cornwall; Hunt's 'painting is now no good' but he is charming and 'full of reminiscences of Rossetti, Millais and the rest'. Asks if she knows of the Dutch poet Piet Paaltjens. Read a poem of Heine in which he compared his wife to 'Schlangen' [snakes] and himself to Laocoon; wishes Bessie 'would come swimming over the sea, like the snakes in Virgil'. Fears he cannot get her [magic] carpet at 'Cardinal and Harvards; it is too oriental even for them'.
The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking. - Last day at Dorking before he goes to Cornwall; is working well, and encloses a poem he wrote yesterday; it perhaps does not express what he feels about love, but is pretty; Sappho used the comparison of a rose to Venus's elbow first. Glad her cold has gone. Is going to Cornwall on Wednesday, and will probably stay a week; will write and probably do some German. Copies out the Heine poem [comparing the poet to Laocoon and his love to a snake], "Lyrical Intermezzo "13; likes the one she sends; quotes from Heine to promise that she will live happily. Has just finished [Victor Hugo's] "Hernani"; remembers she once indicated she did not like it; sets out his own response; prefers Euripides' "Medea" which he has also been reading and will help him with his own play. Agrees that the consul, Henry Turing, should not be invited to the wedding breakfast; better to invite [Abraham?] Bredius or someone else they all know. Is ready to write to Turing, but thinks it would be simplest if Sir Henry Howard did, as he offered; not important though if her uncle thinks otherwise. Must write to Sir Henry; as he told her uncle, thought it 'a little discourteous' to Sir Henry not to let him arrange everything as he offered. Tells he not to worry about these details. Agrees to the 7th [June] as the date; will tell his parents and is sure they will agree too. Asks if he saw her lace in London; not sure what 'Watteau pleats' are but likes the idea of them.
Writes that Sidgwick's letter gave him great encouragement and pleasure. Reports that he is in 'a cold fit' about his book [England in the Age of Wycliffe], which he refers to as 'a second-rate' history book. Declares how much he values the opinions of Sidgwick and others. Agrees with Sidgwick 'about the faulty construction of the first part', and that the story of the Peasant's Rising 'could have followed straight after the last paragraph of Chap III'. Paragraph crossed out in pencil: Expresses how much he enjoyed, and profited from, the Methods of Ethics; reports that he read [Plato's] Republic again that summer. Refers to the 'struggle across the Channel', which, he claims, 'is now neither more nor less than God v the Devil with the odds on the Devil.' Refers to the Dreyfus Affair. Quotes a stanza from Heine.
Trevelyan, George Macaulay (1876-1962), historian, public educator, and conservationist8, Grosvenor Crescent, S.W. - Looking forward to seeing something of Elizabeth; she is going to a concert, and he and Caroline to 'what I suppose we may call Bernard Shaw's play' ["Fanny's First Play", put on anonymously]. Cannot remember the Theognis, but will re-read him at Welcombe; very like a piece by Heine; the translation is 'very Greek'. Has been reading the British Museum publication of the 'white Greek vases' from 1898; these were 'exquisitely simple and conventional'. Went with Caroline this morning to the [Royal] Academy; saw 'more to like' but nothing he would like to buy or own; Sargent's "Waterfall" would be 'wonderful' to see 'through the door of the next room but one', and [John Lavery's] "The Amazon" 'at the end of a great hall'; does not like Sargent's "Anna Seddon". Still need to go to the New English Gallery; this is 'the best month for London'.
Laity Water, Torrington. - Thanks Bob for sending a second copy [of "From the Shiffolds", see 17/203]; has two friends he wants to lend it to 'in succession'. Bob is right to say it is a 'difficult time to feel creative in'; human live is a 'frightful and appauling [sic] prospect'. Asks if Bob has seen a book he recently read which 'throws a little light': "The Fear of Freedom" by Elrich [sic: Erich] Fromm, which he discusses in detail. It shows that 'the sado-masochistic symbiosis... is not only peculiar to Germans, but is lurking in all of us' and that 'further repression is not the cure for people who have lost their power to spontaneous action'; finds it most interesting that 'the Germans themselves have anticipated and lamented over the course of their national development', such as Holderlin, Heine and Nietzche; feels that 'super-human daimons are stirring, and like Saturn are devouring their own children'; asks Bob if he knows Rubens' picture on that theme. However, 'poets still write', and he often finds that old poems 'retain all the wonder' they had in his youth; thinks Meredith and Whitman 'just as charged with wisdom as ever they did', and that there are 'ways of real emancipation' for individuals. Would much like to see Bob's essays ["Windfalls"], and thanks him for offering to send them. Is sending the book to which his "The Leaves Return" is a sequel.
Taplow House, Bideford. - Hopes to take up Milnes' invitation next year; must begin work; 'I hate what I am about so cordially that I am afraid to stop for fear I should not have the heart to begin again'; difficulty of finding accurate historical accounts; has heard nothing from Wheatstone. Postscript: could not obtain Heine's last poem: would like to transcribe Milnes' translation.
Refers to a previous letter, which was 'the happiest quaintest combination of pathos and fun'. Claims that he liked [Myers'] verses, and 'those in nomine F.M' he liked the best. [Note in Myers' hand explains that this is a reference to the 'first poem about Gertie.'] Refers to his 'Heinesque piece'. Also mentions that he had expressed a wish that Myers 'would traverse the globe in the company of J[ames] S[aumarez]'.
Is trying to work, but is not making much progress. States that he shall be delighted to see Myers on 23 [August], but claims that going to Cornwall 'would be too patent a confession of defeat': his 'moral sense would never get over it'. Adds that 'Butler is canvassing against Childers, as too contagious, at Pontefract.'
On embossed notepaper, 'Palace-Gate House, Kensington, W.' - Enjoyed Monographs; comments and corrects; masterly rendering of Heine's verses.
Bonn. - Found a manuscript poem on the Prussian King by Heine inside paper on Heine which Milnes gave him as a parting gift; has copied and received a peerage instead of a baronetage, unlike the Havelocks in England.
On embossed notepaper, '23 Rutland Street, Edinburgh'. - Fine sketch of the 'noble savage' [Landor]; its superiority to Forster's 'big and bumptious book'; glad Forster has been chastised in Temple Bar for his biography of Dickens. Houghton's moving sketch of Heine. Is sending a book, a 'curious record of Scottish character' and a drollity of Sir Walter [Scott's] friend Charles Kirkpatrick Sharpe' which is 'quite Rabelaisian'.
Enclosed: photograph of sketch by C. K. Sharpe of 'A Sucking Seal Exhibited at Dalkeith June 1839', annotated by Brown.
On embossed notepaper, '28 Queen's Road, St. John's Wood'. - Requests copy of Heine monograph for review in an important Prussian paper; hopes Murray has sent Houghton a copy of Pick's French dictionary.
6 Victoria Terrace, Bridlington. - Likes this place, 'Scarbro' being a little London - There are 1, 000 visitors, mainly from Hull & Sheffield'.
Wonders whether Richard meant what he said in the debate [on length of speeches in Parliament] 'to apply to Palmerston - he, whom Gladstone poetically described as having spoken from the setting, to the rising, of the sun, & to his own endless fame'. The Speaker [of the House of Commons, Charles Shaw-Lefevre] sent [David?] Waddington to Robert at Boodles to be introduced,; he asked Robert's opinion of those speaking. Robert replied that none of the 'leading men' had met his expectations, and that 'it was visible they were not men of the substance we were - half the House, in top boots'. Remembers Pitt 'always in nankins & blue silk stockings'. Found [William Johnson] Fox the 'most remarkable-looking' man today; the Speaker commented that he was 'as remarkable as he looks, & I always like hearing him'. Robert was also taken with Frederick Peel; 'he has a conceited look', but 'spoke admirably'. Has Richard's letter saying that Evelyn Denison is to be Education Minister; Denison asked Marmaduke Wyvill if he could be introduced to Robert, and they talked for some time. 'Duke said he is so dislik'd in the House, Ld P[almerston] could not take him, but that it was agreed he was far before Vernon Smith in ability'.
Discussion of the case of the murderer William Dove; article from the Leeds Mercury originally enclosed which is 'powerfully written, & may decide Sir G. Grey. Still I should be for hanging'. Dove's family were from Pontefract; his father, or perhaps grandfather, was one of Robert's 'steadiest supporters' [in elections]. Would be glad to hear Jane's opinion on the Mercury article, 'knowing your intelligence in that branch of law'. Asks if she is aware that 'the most atrocious monster ever sent to Botany Bay was also from Pontefract': he was a 'particular friend' of Robert's, and often came to Fryston; he was 'one of the smallest men, not 5 feet, & lived in the Horse Fair'. Howe was transported for stealing, and 'betook himself in the Bush near Sydney, & way-laid & murder'd above thirty travellers...' There was a 'history of his adventures in the Edinburgh Review a while ago.
Jane should tell Richard that 'his well-compos'd articles are thrown away in that periodical - It has scarce one literary reader', or at least for every one there are 'fifty illiterate - who never heard of Heine'. Richard should certainly bring a party to Fryston, Louisa will agree 'it is an abuse of our bestowment, if advantage is not taken of Fryston's vicinage to the St. Leger'; Robert may have some guests, but this should not interfere with Annabel.
9 Liverpool Terrace, Liverpool Road, Islington. - Retuning a volume of Heine with the promised 'four questions'; Heine's work on Börne gives an ignoble pleasure: he is guilty of amusing at the expense of estimable people.
Embossed notepaper, '66 Eaton Square'. - Had bought Monographs, but is delighted with keepsake copy; cannot locate original from which translation of Heine is taken; has Houghton followed Mrs Browning's example in her Sonnets from the Portuguese? Postscript: encloses verses after Heine 'by a girl'.
Poem by Heine translated by J. G. Frazer, set to music by Stuart Young, with parts for voice and piano.
10 Prinse[gracht], the Hague; addressed to Bob at The Mill House, Westcott, Dorking, Surrey. - Explains why she feels her days of 'pure musical enjoyment' are probably over and her feelings about this; knows he would like her to find musical interests in England, and she will try, but it is unlikely to be the same and she will have to go 'miles out of her way' to find it; would certainly like him to be there with her if she does find anything like the same milieu. Has had a kind letter from Bob's mother sending the programme for the concert; knows the Schubert quartet well; asks if Bob also heart the Beethoven serenade string trio. Very glad he feels he is understanding German more easily now; was disappointed when he declared on one of his first nights at Ede that nothing would every make him learn it, though he soon pleased her by offering to help Bramine to wash up the tea things. Her cold is gone: Emser pastilles are 'an excellent thing'. Has been having 'endless' conversations with her uncle about the wedding; this morning she was managing to keep her patience with his 'little objections and obstacles' but her aunt nearly lost hers. The conclusion is that Bob should write to the British consul at Rotterdam, Henry Turing, asking if he will be able to be present at the civil ceremony in the Stadhuis; he should send the letter through Sir Henry Howard, who has kindly written to Bob, and explain their plans to him; Thursday of Whit week is the best day. They should not ask the consul to be a witness, as her uncle wished, since then he would have to be invited to the breakfast and would be the only stranger there. Has been thinking about her wedding dress: looking at white silks, sketching out designs including a Watteau pleat as she loves these, and talking to her dressmaker. Funny that Bob has also been thinking about his clothes; would recommend high trousers and a frock coat, in a blueish rather than yellowish grey. Dutch men wear evening dress when they are married, but since Bob is an Englishman she thinks he should wear his frock coat. Asks whether it is in good condition; her aunt was saying yesterday that she was looking forward to seeing him 'well-dressed & in neat clothes... [for] the first time!'; tells him to bring some nice suits over too for other occasions. Haverschmidt, who wrote under the name of Piet Paaltjens, is the Dutch poet Bob asked about. Could not find the Heine song Bob tells her about; a Heine song she has copied out originally enclosed in turn. Went to an 'wonderful' concert last night by George Henschel and his wife [Lilian Bailey]; he sang the Schubert "Gruppe aus dem Tartarus", which [Thomas Sturge? or George?] Moore sang in Cambridge. Is very pleased with the silk she has chosen, which she describes. Tells Bob to enjoy himself at Holman Hunt's
(Letter-head of Trinity College, Cambridge.)
Trinity College, Cambridge - Offers a translation of Heinrich Heine's poem, "Wo?" ["Where?"], enclosed; has more translations of Heine, 'an author especially dear to me'.
Frazer, Sir James George (1854-1941), knight, social anthropologist and classical scholar8 St. James St. - Deep interest in Monographs, but disagrees on several points: Sydney Smith is misrepresented about [Theodore] Hook; they only met twice and after the second occasion Smith remarked to Hayward ;If I had not been told who he was, I should have said he was a quiet, goodnatured, ordinary sort of man. Agrees about Heine but would not have described him as fat; translations excellent; his own writings on Heine. Odd terms of honour applied to Suleiman Pasha: 'But your book is most valuable as a whole. Postscript: living referred to by Sydney Smith should read 'Halberton near Tiverton'.
Five original poems by Frazer and two translations of poems by Heine. There are three copies of "Dreams": a manuscript in Lady Frazer's hand, a fair copy, and a typescript copy. There is a fair copy, corrected of "And the reapers bind their sheaves", a fair copy, corrected, and typescript of "Whispers of the Nile"; a typescript, corrected with the date of 11 June 1921 of "To My Wife"; a typescript with date 1936 of "The Keys of Janus' Temple", accompanied by an envelope; and fair copies, corrected, and typescript of a translation of two poems from Heine, "Du bist wie eine Blume" and "Wo?"