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TRER/9/81 · Item · 24 Oct 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

3 Hare Court, Inner Temple. - Apologises for using 'lubberly thick English' paper. Came to London to hear [Julius Engelbert] Röntgen on Monday, but found he was ill and the concert off; hopes it is nothing serious. Went to hear [Hans] Richter conduct Tchaikowsky's 6th Symphony instead. Fears she may not have got the letter with his poetry last week, as he thinks he addressed it wrongly. Agrees that Bessie's proposal that he should come to see her again in the Netherlands [see 9/9] is indeed bold, but is very glad she has made it. On his side, the difficulties are small: he can easily conceal his visit, or let it be known that he is calling there on the way to Italy. Feels that the excuse she suggests of them translating Vondel together is very thin; true that he would like to read some with her, and that she could teach him German or 'even Dutch', though he does not feel ready to learn both at the same time; however, her family are still likely to see through this, 'especially if they were suspicious before'. Perhaps it would be better to be more honest with them; otherwise, would be willing not to go and see her at home at all, but for them to meet privately at his hotel and talk or go for walks. Realises that she will probably think this wrong, and her feelings must be 'paramount', though see it would be difficult and perhaps 'unwise' for her to take her uncle and aunt into her confidence. Will want 'horribly' to be with her all day, as he always does. She must decide what is best; expects her uncle will think he has come to see her whatever excuse they give. Promises to be 'quite reasonable, and prudent, though very much in love'. Must not read the Brownings' letters, or he will start writing 'too sentimentally'. Has had a 'rather nasty business looking after [Roger] Fry's affairs', his publisher [Oldmeadow] is 'swindling him' and he has had to write a long letter to Fry. Will give this letter to [Charles] Sanger to post as he is going out for a post; he may wonder 'who the lady with the long foreign name is' but will not tell him.

TRER/4/28 · Item · 29 Oct 1899
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

22 Lungarno Acciajuoli, Firenze. - Thanks Trevelyan for the trouble he has taken over Fry's book: though the book was badly published, he himself does not think Oldm[eadow] has acted guilefully. Describes a conversation he and Binyon had with Oldmeadow. The new edition is very good. This affair must not affect Trevelyan's friendship with Binyon. He and Helen have spent the afternoon in the Boboli [Gardens]; now must read Rumohr in German. Asks for news about the clavichord [made by Dolmetsch; decorated by Helen Fry]. Is glad Sidney Colvin thought well of his work.