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TRER/4/95 · Item · 29 July 1907
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Hampstead. - The rain on Sunday made it too uninviting to bicycle on Sunday: they stayed in the shelter of Shulbrede Priory and rode back some of the way this morning. He had written to Helen about Paul [Trevelyan]; the letter from her, originally enclosed, is a response. Would be good if Bessie could write a little note about Paul and other 'domesticities', but the doctor does not want her to have much strain from correspondence; the doctor seems to think she is getting on slowly. They enjoyed their stay with Bessie and saw some good sights on the way to Petersfield, including Bedales where he hopes Paul will go one day with Julian and Pamela. Is going to Failand to see his children soon.

TRER/4/84 · Item · 26 Aug 1916
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

The Cottage, Bosham. - Regrets that he cannot put up [John] Rodker, as Durbins is let until the end of September and he is 'more or less a wanderer'. Has had little success in thinking of other possible hosts: expects Lady Ottoline [Morrell] would not be possible and fears Rodker may have to go to London. Is sorry not to help as he liked Rodker when he met him at Dora Sanger's. Asks if Trevelyan will be in town the week after next. He and the children have had a good time at Bosham, sailing and spending time outdoors; they leave for Failand on Monday.

TRER/4/81 · Item · 15 Aug 1910
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Durbins, Guildford. Will come to visit while Tovey is staying, though he has to go to Failand this week. Next Monday he begins at Hampton Court on the Mantegnas ["The Triumph of Caesar" cycle]. Encloses first ideas for three scenes and Goldie [Dickinson's] poems, which Mason left with him. Goldie has gone abroad, and Helen to stay with her family near Lymington: she is better than she has been for a while. The children are with Fry.

TRER/4/78 · Item · 6 Apr 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Chantry Dene, Guildford. - Is very grateful for Trevelyan's letter and Bessie's offer to look after the children. Had not at first thought of the Dakynses, but they are happy to have the children till Sunday or Monday. Helen is better and he hopes an 'actual outbreak' may be staved off, but the timing when he is working hard for his show[at the Carfax Gallery] is difficult.

TRER/4/51 · Item · 28 June 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

22 Willow Road, Hampstead, N.W. - The Frys have had to give up the idea of coming to Guildford due to Pamela's ill health; Helen is very low as it seems the children will never be well. Invites Trevelyan to visit when next in town. Is much enjoying [Gregorio] Leti's life of Sixtus V. The 'little fracas' with the Berensons is happily settled [see also 4/45 and 4/49].

TRER/4/46 · Item · 19 Jan 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Dorking. - Asks why Trevelyan thought he might have died: did he see the death of Fry the bookmaker in an Italian paper? Was in fact not at all well yesterday. The children have had measles and the weather is dreadful: is determined not to spend another winter in Britain. They have taken the house at Hampstead [22 Willow Road] but the landlord is making difficulties about allowing alterations. The Piero di Cosimo scheme has fallen though.

TRER/13/32 · Item · 12 Mar 1918
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Durbins. - Has not sent [Bob's translation of Aristophanes's] "Lysistrata" yet as he wanted Goldie [Lowes Dickinson's] criticisms; Goldie came on Sunday and Fry will read it to Madame Donnay [sic: Vera Donnet] tomorrow. Will try two days in town. Has read Bob's "Lucretius [On Death]" 'with very great delight; would like to bring out a second book, called "Lucretius On Origins" or similar. They should 'stir up Desmond [MacCarthy] to the point of writing' and perhaps advertise 'in educational places - girls' colleges & such like'; Margery [his sister] tells him about 'yearning intellectual appetites among the lower middle classes of Birmingham' though he is unsure 'whether they'd rise to' Lucretius. Is much better for his 'long rest', though managed to 'paint a good lot'; expects to be in town a little now, if he keeps well, but will be back at Durbins after 23 Mar when Pamela returns, so Bob could come over again then.

TRER/10/29 · Item · 27 July 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Hopes Elizabeth is enjoying her time with Madame Grandmont; wonders whether Robert came home last week. They had a beautiful walk on the moors on Saturday. Very glad to get Elizabeth's news of Aunt Margaret [Holland] 'as it is never easy to understand from men about illness'; very sad to think of her condition. Sir George sends his love and thanks for the letter; he has gone to fish this morning. In the afternoon they will attend a meeting of the managers of Cambo school. Elizabeth must tell her what she decides about the violin, and about the house. Is sorry to hear from Mr [Roger] Fry that one of their children [Pamela?] has been ill; supposes they do not see much of the Frys now. Sends regards to Madame Grandmont; wishes they had been in London during her stay. A postscript says that if Elizabeth wants tea in London she is welcome to take it at No. 8 [Grosvenor Crescent]; the housemaid's name is Maria Springett.

TRER/4/260 · Item · [1928?]
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

25 Wellington Square, Chelsea, S.W. (written on "New Statesman" headed notepaper. - He and Micky are looking forward to their 'jaunt' with Trevelyan; has written for rooms at the Hotel de Londres. Will spend Sunday in Paris, seeing Pam [Diamand?] and others; on Monday they will go to Chartres; would like Trevelyan to spare a day or two from the 'huge spaces of time' he will have in Italy to stay longer in France with them. Asks if he has a 'statuo quo chessboard'. Will return from Liverpool by the night train so they can leave Victoria by the train at eleven in the morning.

TRER/13/24 · Item · 12 Sept 1904
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Rodney House, Montpelier, Weston Super Mare. - The whole family had a good short holiday at Burford then went to Failand together; from there Fry went on to London to finish some work before his trip to Normandy and Helen took the children to Weston. Helen then developed scarlet fever and had to be taken to an isolation hospital; the children and nurse returned to Failand where they also became ill; will be anxious for a while but hopes the children's attack is mild. Will have to divide his time between Hampstead, Failand and Weston for the next six weeks; Helen is 'of course fearfully lonely' but luckily her room is on the ground floor so he can visit and talk to her through the window; encourages Bob to write to her. Glad Bob liked his article. Cannot write more as is trying to get an article ready for the "Quarterly Review" [published in October 1904]; feels as if they are 'pursued by a malignant Fate' as he has had almost two years of constant anxiety about Helen and the children. They may come to Dorking for a while when Helen comes out of hospital, unless they go abroad after all. A postscript details when he will next be in London.

TRER/13/19 · Item · 20 Nov 1903
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

22 Willow Road, Hampstead. - Glad Bob liked his [painting of] the Beechen Tote [near H]aslemere; thinks it is one of his best and that [John] Masefield is sure to like it. Also thinks that 'the Cowdray oil is the best thing in a way' that he has painted; delighted that [Neville] Lytton agrees, though it will 'almost disappear on the walls of the N.E.A.C.' Hopes to see Lytton this afternoon. The children are with; they are taking Pamela to see Helen this morning. Helen is 'going on well & steadily'; though she tends to be depressed, he thinks this is better than the 'exalted state', and he feels hopeful.

TRER/46/148 · Item · 19 Feb 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel, La Croix de Cavalaire, Var - France. - Thanks his mother for her letter; expects by now she will have seen Bessie, who is 'still not satisfied' about Paul's health, and may take him to the seaside if it does not improve soon. Will stay here for perhaps a fortnight, as the weather seems likely to remain fine. Hopes his parents will enjoy London. Wonders what his father will find is happening about the Cacciola property [left to Robert and George in the will of Florence Cacciola Trevelyan]; thinks he himself has 'really ceased to be interested in it by now' and expects the same is true of Withers. The Fry children are not going to come to the Shiffolds, which is perhaps good since Bessie 'will have more time, and be able to have some guests'.

Is starting on a new play, 'probably for an opera', which is 'dreadfully' serious. Strange that he has had no reviews of Sisyphus, except in the Daily Chronicle and 'the Scotch and Birmingham papers'; does not mind, as 'people who are not reviewers seem to like it well enough'. [Bernard] Berenson has just sent him Heracles, 'a portentous dramatic poem 270 pages long', by George Cabot Lodge, 'the son of the senator'; does not know, 'after labouring through it, whether there is really anything in it', whether he is a youthful and rather crude genius, or only a clever bad poet' and wishes he knew Lodge's age: if Lodge is under twenty-five, Robert would call him a genius and think he 'would turn out... the American Robert Browning', as it much reminds him of Paracelsus, though 'not as masterly in style'. Unfortunately, is expected to give his opinion to the Berensons, who will probably pass it on to the poet, who 'seems to be interested' in Robert's own poems. At least Lodge has 'very few mannerisms, and even spells labour with a u'.

Is glad his father is well.

TRER/46/147 · Item · 9 Feb 1909
Part of Papers of Robert Calverley Trevelyan and Elizabeth Trevelyan

Grand Hotel La Croix, La Croix du Cavalaire, Var, France; addressed to Lady Trevelyan at Welcombe, Stratford on Avon. - Arrived here last Friday; the weather is fine. Left Bessie and P[aul] well. Bessie may have the two Fry children to stay at the Shiffolds while Robert is away, as their mother is ill; this was not settled when he left, but they had offered if necessary. Does not think it would be 'much trouble, as they are nice children, and have a good nurse'; will probably know today.

Saw George in London, who 'gave a good account' of their parents; was sorry to miss his mother there. Will stay here for several weeks, perhaps a month, depending on how he gets on with his work. No-one is here 'but French people, and those not interesting'; bathes in the sea every day as it is 'quite warm enough' for him.