(Newton Abbot.)—Thanks him for clarifying a point relating to the Housman family. Will ask Gilbert Turner to send him the letters.
(Place of writing not indicated. Postmarked at Newton Abbot.)
From E.M. April 5th, 1975.
Thanks for yours of the 3rd, and for clearing up the Housman family mystery; I had no idea there was another daughter, {1} as RR {2} never mentioned her, but only Clemence, who lived with LH {3} at Street.
I don’t know whether Gilbert Turner is back from France yet, but am writing him this weekend to send the letters to you, and I am sure he will. You will then have to cope with his awful address to thank him!
Yours sincerely,
Ethel Mannin
[Direction:] J. Hunt, Esq., | Ebury House | Romsley | Halesowen | Worcestershire
Postmarked ‘NEWTON ABBOT | 6 APR | 1975’. Typed, except the signature and a few corrections.
{1} The reference is to Katharine Symons, née Housman.
{2} Reginald Reynolds, Ethel Mannin’s second husband.
{3} Laurence Housman.