58 Gresham Road, Brixton, London, S.W.9.—Asks for the details of a book he read while staying with the Pethick-Lawrences. Is glad that Emmeline’s American visit was a success. Is about to go to South Africa.
Wallington, Cambo, Northumberland. - Is writing on the train going home. She and Sir George received the news of [James] Croppers death from Edith by the same post as Elizabeth's letter about his illness; he 'will be a great loss to a large circle'; sad for him to die away from home, but he showed 'remarkable energy to have been sightseeing [at the Paris Exhibition] to the last'. Hopes Robert will return today and have lots to tell Elizabeth. Sir George was pleased to get his letter; Caroline would like to hear about the Exhibition. Had a pleasant stay at The Park [with her sister Annie Philips] then spent two nights with their 'old friends' Lord and Lady Ripon, who are 'most delightful people & in perfect sympathy with us politically'. Lady Ripon has seen much of Mr [Samuel] Cronright-Schreiner and 'admires him extremely'. Hopes the Queen of the Netherlands' choice of husband is popular. Glad Elizabeth is sleeping better; hopes she does not find the English autumn too trying, but she has Italian sunshine to look forward to. She and Sir George have got 'several books on Sicily to read' and she thinks they will indeed 'accomplish the journey there'.