The correspondence with P. B. Moon includes his typescript 'Summary of notes on lectures by E. Fermi' (copy 2 of 6). Correspondence with Bruce W. Munn, London Bureau Manager of the United Press Associations of America concerns atomic warfare.
Offprint from Nature, London, 1955.
B.66: 'A Pentode Vacuum Tube Scale-of-Two Circuit'. 4 pp. typescript and 1 p. figures for paper by Frisch dated July 1938. (Not listed in bibliography.) Included here is a request to reproduce the scale of two circuit in a book on cosmic rays, 1944.
B.67: Dated sequences of notes and figures, on circuits (1937), cyclotron (June-September 1938), Rabi's resonance method (4 pp. September 1938), etc.
B.68: MS and typescript note on Fermi and leading figures in nuclear physics, c.1938 (in Danish). Report on 'High frequency systems for the Cyclotron', by Dunning, Anderson, Booth and Glasoe, August 1938.
B.69: Drawings and sketches for apparatus (not all in Frisch's hand).
B.70: Miscellaneous shorter notes and figures by Frisch.
Includes copy of letter from Thomson to the Nobel Committee for Physics recommending Fermi for the Nobel Prize. 1934-35, 1938
Caricatures identified by Frisch are 'Lew Kowarski', 'Rudi Peierls?', 'Hans Staub', 'Self portrait?', 'Fermi'.
Typescript headed 'Aus "La Ricerca Scientifica" Anno VI Vol.II n. 9-10 [1935]'.