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Archival description
'Letters 1939'
FRSH/B/81 · File · Jan.-July 1939
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Outgoing letters.
2 January-10 July
Includes material relating to the publication of Meitner's and Frisch's two notes in Nature on nuclear fission; see letter of 22 January for reference to the coining of the term 'fission' and history of the discovery, and letter of 15 March re publication delay.
Letters also relate to arrangements for F. Urbach to work in Birmingham (see also A.48, B.104), and to Frida and Leo Frischauer.

FRSH/A/48 · File · Apr.-June 1939
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Correspondence re arrangements to come to Britain, visits to London, Cambridge, Birmingham, etc., offers of posts.
Correspondents include Blackett, Bragg, Cockcroft, Oliphant, and also Frisch's farewell exchange with Bohr, his CV, list of publications, etc.
There are typed duplicates of some of the letters at the back of the folder.
During the correspondence, Frisch refers to his friend F. Urbach and offers to cede his place to Urbach if only one was available.

Ulam - Urbach
FRSH/F/132 · File · 1933–1950
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Ulam, S.M. 1945, 1946

Urbach, F. 1933-34, 1950. Includes a reference written by Frisch in 1940 for Urbach to teach in U.S.A.

FRSH/B/104 · File · 1939–1940
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Simons, L. 1939

Smith, C. 1939-40. Re Annual Report for the Journal of the Chemical Society (see What little I remember, pp.124-125)

Stern, O. 1939. Frisch's carbon only.

Urbach, F. 1939