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Archival description
FRSH/B/104 · File · 1939–1940
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Simons, L. 1939

Smith, C. 1939-40. Re Annual Report for the Journal of the Chemical Society (see What little I remember, pp.124-125)

Stern, O. 1939. Frisch's carbon only.

Urbach, F. 1939

Stern, O.
FRSH/F/123 · File · 1934-1965
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

1934, 1945, 1964–65

Letter of 21 March 1945 sends Frisch $1,000 'as a kind of secondary of my Nobel prize' in view of his contribution to the work on 'molecular rays'.

'Dellen' folder
FRSH/B/33-37 · File · 1931-1933
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Dellen= depressions, in molecular beams. Notes dating from time in Hamburg.
D.33: 1931-1933. Graphs and observations of molecular beams in various conditions; miscellaneous bundles of material in Frisch's order, and some loose pages. Various dates 1931-33. In original folder.
D.34: Similar material, but undated.
D.35: Miscellaneous MS drawings of apparatus, graphs, calculations, etc., probably for collaborative paper or papers by Frisch and Stern.
D.36: 1933. 'Berechnung der Impulsmomente der Beugungsdellen, austretender Strahl (Ofenfest)' 2 sets of calculations so titled, kept separately with miscellaneous graphs, and a letter by Frisch on his results, August 1933 (addressee unknown). Also included here is a CV drawn up by Frisch c. 1933 to include his work with Stern at Hamburg.
D.37: 1933. Typescript and MS draft of paper by Frisch and Stern 'Anomalien bei der Reflexion und Beugung von Molekularstrahlen an Kristallspaltflächen II' (Z. Physik. 84, 1933). Also included are proof with MS corrections and a little editorial correspondence.

FRSH/A/47 · File · 1927–1935
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Frisch's certificate of baptism in evangelical reformed church, Vienna, 1927.
Letter re Frisch's grant from university authority in Hamburg to work with Stern, 1930.
Residence permit for Copenhagen, 1935.

'Berechnungen bis 1938'
FRSH/B/52-55 · File · 1932-1937, n.d.
Part of Papers of Otto Frisch

Contents of a substantial folder so inscribed. The material is very diverse, and not all in Frisch's hand; it includes notes on the literature, drafts for papers or reports, drawings of apparatus, calculations and results, ideas for experiments and techniques, etc.

Notes and sequences clipped together by Frisch have been preserved as such.

B.52: Dated sequences of notes, 1932-1937.
'Ablenkung von Mol. Str. in mag. Feld'. 3 pp. sequence, kept with other notes on magnetron, B-recoil, etc., some dated October 1932 (during Frisch's period in Stern's laboratory at Hamburg).
Notes and draft for short talk on work of Stern's laboratory (on proton, and on diffraction anomalies). In English, possibly for talk at Birkbeck, or at Copenhagen. c.1933-34.
Sequence of notes, various dates September-October 1936, on 'Schrägheits-korrektur', neutrons, etc.
Miscellaneous notes, various dates January-February 1937
Miscellaneous bibliographical references, 1937.
All these items are in Frisch's original folder, which also bears notes and diagrams on the front cover.

B.53: Undated sequences of notes.
'Isotopentrennung', 3 pp.
'Dirac, Quantenmechanik', 6 pp.
'Plattenelektrometer', 2 pp.
'Courant-Hilbert', 3 pp
'Schwankungen eines Zählers mit endlichen Auflösungsvermögen', 7 pp. notes, calculations, diagrams.
'Scattering of protons in hydrogen', 4 pp. draft not in Frisch's hand, but kept with notes and diagrams by him.
'Fokussierung des Cyclotrons', 8 pp. draft not in Frisch's hand, perhaps by H. Jehle.

B.54: Shorter notes by Frisch, titled but not dated, on various research ideas.

B.55: Undated and unidentified notes, diagrams, etc., almost all by Frisch, but includes some material in other hands.